I don't know what's wrong with my blog. I changed templates twice and the new ones look...sorta okay, better than the shifted-around old one, but when I change it back, it's still shifted around and weird. And the AC at my house is still messed up. It was fixed for a while, it got V-E-R-Y cold inside, but now it's broken again. I think. I don't know what to do because we've replaced the entire unit (inside and outside) plus the thermostat; we are supposed to go on vacation next week so we can't keep alternating staying home from work for the repair people. I don't want to *not* go on vacation - this would have been our first trip together that was (a) just the two of us and (b) didn't involve family obligations. Not that there's anything wrong with socializing with family, but 'just the two of us' stuff is good, too.
So do any of my faithful readers (all four of you) know HTML and have time to look at whatever I unwittingly (that was a pun) did to mess up my blog? My computer geek fiance apparently doesn't DO cascading style sheets and since I don't even know what that means, I'm in trouble. There's a tacky Florida beach souvenir in it for whoever helps me.
So do any of my faithful readers (all four of you) know HTML and have time to look at whatever I unwittingly (that was a pun) did to mess up my blog? My computer geek fiance apparently doesn't DO cascading style sheets and since I don't even know what that means, I'm in trouble. There's a tacky Florida beach souvenir in it for whoever helps me.
Did that last comment post? If not...
I can TRY, but no promises. Email me.
Kristal, at 7:37 AM
What's wrong with your template? It looks fine to me. Is it your browser? Or is it already fixed?
Anonymous Me, at 10:03 AM
It's already fixed. It went through some weirdness yesterday and some pinkness today but now it's back. I had to delete posts until it restored itself, but they weren't particularly entertaining ones.
Helly, at 10:38 AM
I'd offer to get you a beach toy anyway, but I'm sorta scared to know what sort of toy you'd want...
Helly, at 7:48 PM
Ah, well, here I was going to offer my humble services, but it looks alright to me, and you say it's fine, so there. Good luck in florida! Have fun!
maria, at 8:08 PM
Well, it was all messed up earlier. Headers were across the top with no regard to the posts they headed, and lines weren't wrapping, and sometimes two posts were side by side instead of one atop the other...trust me, it was a big huge awful mess. I was sad.
Helly, at 9:51 PM
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