I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. There are so many things I want to go ahead and DO, so they’ll be done and over with; emotionally I’m impatient. Logically, I know it’s better to wait, to do these things in a certain way, an ordered progression, but every day I look around and see the vast difference between where I want to be and where I am. Then I think of the virtual chasm of time, events, decisions and actions that loom between me and the distant, wonderful horizon I envision and I’m just...overwhelmed.
"The longest journey begins with a single step".
"A burden shared is a burden lightened".
Call your mamma..seriously, if there is any way I can help you, all you have to do is let me know.
I love you,
Anonymous, at 7:38 AM
Assign everything you want to do a letter and pretend like your life is your fridge! Concentrate on one thing at a time, alphabetically, and before you know it you'll be where you want to be.
Kristal, at 7:44 AM
I long to know the details you're referring to!
Anonymous Me, at 9:06 AM
I guess I didn't explain very well. It's not that I'm unmotivated, it's that I am prevented from doing things because the details, what to do is still undecided, and at the moment really can't be decided. Bleah, that didn't make it any clearer, did it?
Helly, at 9:34 AM
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