I'm off today, at last. Perhaps I shall retain my sanity. No, wait, didn't I trade that for a case of good Scotch back in '93? Oh, well. I thought I'd start my day off by posting a meme so I went to my meme source, Nancy.
"Behold, the Caesar’s Bath meme! List five things that people in your circle of friends or peer group are wild about, but you can’t really understand the fuss over." Nancy wonders why it's called "Caesar's Bath". I can only half-explain the origin of the name. Apparently earlier versions of instructions for this meme included the explanation, "To use the words of Caesar (from History of the World Part I), 'Nice. Nice. Not thrilling...but nice.'" I'm not sure this adequately explains the connection as it would seem a more appropriate appellation if the quote had been, "How odd! I see no attraction; what is all the fuss about?" but as previously noted, I think I take memes too seriously. So onward, across the Rubicon!
1. Reality television. From the contest types like "Survivor" to the search types like "American Idol" to the celebrity ones like "Newlyweds" to the surprise twist ones like "Joe Millionaire", I JUST. DON'T. GET. IT. For one thing, my life is full of way too much reality already. It's also depressing to be reminded of what the overwhelming majority of people with whom I share this planet consider important, e.g. it would not surprise me to learn that 70% or more of the people who vote on those shows have never bothered to vote in an actual election.
2. John Grisham novels. I thought "The Pelican Brief" was moderately interesting, I thought "The Firm" was pretty darn good but everything after that? Blech. I'd rather read the telephone book.
3. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". I can't tell you how many of my intelligent, sane, otherwise normal friends adore this show. I don't have anything insulting or disparaging to say about it, it's just that, like the meme says, I can't understand all the fuss over it. *waits for flames from Nancy and Alan*
4. Children. I like quiet, order, cleanliness and calm. Children, even the ones I rather like, are total anathema to all those things. And a big wet raspberry to all those people who told me condescendingly, "You'll change your mind when you get older." Did not.
5. To gripe about this last one is sort of cheating, because my friends and peers aren't wild about it as far as I know, but as a pop-culture phenomenon it totally puzzles me: Texas hold-em. Poker has been around since the nineteenth century - why is it suddenly the only thing in which anyone is interested? Moreover, what is with all the TELEVISED poker? It might be moderately interesting to play, but let me tell you - watching other people play it ranks right down there with a John Grisham novel for me. How in hell watching other people play poker on televison qualifies, even remotely, as a sport and is allowed to clutter up ESPN is also totally beyond my comprehension, but that's a whole 'nother rant.
"Behold, the Caesar’s Bath meme! List five things that people in your circle of friends or peer group are wild about, but you can’t really understand the fuss over." Nancy wonders why it's called "Caesar's Bath". I can only half-explain the origin of the name. Apparently earlier versions of instructions for this meme included the explanation, "To use the words of Caesar (from History of the World Part I), 'Nice. Nice. Not thrilling...but nice.'" I'm not sure this adequately explains the connection as it would seem a more appropriate appellation if the quote had been, "How odd! I see no attraction; what is all the fuss about?" but as previously noted, I think I take memes too seriously. So onward, across the Rubicon!
1. Reality television. From the contest types like "Survivor" to the search types like "American Idol" to the celebrity ones like "Newlyweds" to the surprise twist ones like "Joe Millionaire", I JUST. DON'T. GET. IT. For one thing, my life is full of way too much reality already. It's also depressing to be reminded of what the overwhelming majority of people with whom I share this planet consider important, e.g. it would not surprise me to learn that 70% or more of the people who vote on those shows have never bothered to vote in an actual election.
2. John Grisham novels. I thought "The Pelican Brief" was moderately interesting, I thought "The Firm" was pretty darn good but everything after that? Blech. I'd rather read the telephone book.
3. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". I can't tell you how many of my intelligent, sane, otherwise normal friends adore this show. I don't have anything insulting or disparaging to say about it, it's just that, like the meme says, I can't understand all the fuss over it. *waits for flames from Nancy and Alan*
4. Children. I like quiet, order, cleanliness and calm. Children, even the ones I rather like, are total anathema to all those things. And a big wet raspberry to all those people who told me condescendingly, "You'll change your mind when you get older." Did not.
5. To gripe about this last one is sort of cheating, because my friends and peers aren't wild about it as far as I know, but as a pop-culture phenomenon it totally puzzles me: Texas hold-em. Poker has been around since the nineteenth century - why is it suddenly the only thing in which anyone is interested? Moreover, what is with all the TELEVISED poker? It might be moderately interesting to play, but let me tell you - watching other people play it ranks right down there with a John Grisham novel for me. How in hell watching other people play poker on televison qualifies, even remotely, as a sport and is allowed to clutter up ESPN is also totally beyond my comprehension, but that's a whole 'nother rant.
Hey, I've done my part. I spent my very own money for TWO seasons' worth of DVDs. For Alan, and I don't watch 'em, but I bought 'em.
Helly, at 9:41 AM
(Singing)..the things we do for love...
I am with you on every point you made, with the obvious exception of children, since I have 2.
The poker phenom is utterly beyond me; the only thing televised that is less exciting is...GOLF.
Anonymous, at 9:45 AM
Oh no you did NOT just dis Buffy on your blog!
Anonymous Me, at 7:00 PM
Wow...anything short of adoration is a dis? See, I TOTALLY have my sister's back here. Not down with Buffy. At all. And unlike my sister, I do have several things to say about it, but I shall refrain. Personally, I think its due to something in the water in Athens, ...but this can't explain Alan liking Buffy, or why I still don't...mebbe someone should give Helly and I a grant, so we can research it...A large grant, with a even larger Scotch and Beer budget...hmmm
Anonymous, at 8:42 AM
Ha! Bo got my back! Dude, I still think it's Athens water. Nancy's friend Diana, another Sorenson Ridge resident, is also an ardent Buffy devote. As for you - how much Athens water do you actually drink? I'm betting you subsist mainly on Diet Coke and exotic European beers. It's just a hunch.
Helly, at 10:05 AM
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