The Hellhole

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Today has been totally wack. I just now had my lunch and it’s 3:00. I was going to post a movie review of Cold Creek Manor but be warned, I can’t think of anything scathingly funny to say about it - yes, it sucked that bad.
*Spoilers Follow*
Based on the previews, I was expecting a horror movie and it sorta started off that way, but changed its mind at some point. Evidently nothing supernatural is involved and the little boy is not under the influence of some evil force from beyond, he’s just weirder than grits. Also I think it underwent some serious editing, as certain things the characters said - really more the way they worded things - seemed to be in response to scenes we hadn’t viewed. For example, Sharon Stone’s character spews this sobbing, hysterical “I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you” speech to Dennis Quaid, but prior to that, she never says - or acts like - she doesn’t believe him, really. She makes the standard “Oh, he’s just being nice” remark about the villain of the piece, but the minute something truly weird happens, he tells her to take the kids and go stay with a bud, and off she goes. Not enough to have warranted such a sobbing apology, in my opinion. Not even the megalicious Stephen Dorff, for whom I have lusted ever since he was a lovely evil vampire in Blade, could save this piece of offal. Finnovar didn’t watch the last ¾ of it - it was so bad he couldn’t even delight in making acerbic remarks. Sprocket hated it too - no plot, Juliette Lewis doesn’t get nekkid and much worse - no gunts, blood or grossness. Juliette Lewis does get a bloody nose, but it doesn’t bleed enough to count.


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