On Friday we went to a party here; some friends got married in the Bahamas a few months ago and then threw this celebration stateside, so I suppose technically it was a wedding reception. I didn't know very many people there but a lot of people looked vaguely familiar to me, like maybe I ought to know them. One guy in particular looked like someone I ought to know but couldn't place, like perhaps I'd met and chatted with him at some other gathering hosted by these friends. I never know what to do in those situations - should I make myself look like a dumbass by walking up and asking, "Hey, do I know you? Do you know me?" or risk having the person think I'm rude by never speaking to them?
I overthink these things, I know - but I'm not an overly social person by nature. Plus, I hate being rude. It's gotten better since being married. I feel more comfortable walking up to some man and chatting when I can turn and say, "And this is my husband, Alan." - no chance of being misread as flirtation or them wondering if I'm coming on to them (and probably wondering how to reject me politely).
So finally I walked up to Very Familiar Guy, told him he looked familiar, introduced myself and asked how he knew our host. Turns out I may or may not have seen him before at a cocktail party or political fundraiser, but we hadn't met. I'd definitely remember meeting a first-round draft pick and five-time Pro Bowler! He was very nice though. Maybe I'd just seen him on television; I watch a lot of football.
After the party, went home and crashed. Saturday morning bright and early, we went to fetch Baby Esme from the veterinarian. She was eating some breakfast so we chatted a bit with the ladies in the office and Dr. Smith's associate, Dr. Harwell. She doesn't have any external stitches - like when I cut my leg last year, they're now using a special type of glue. I was pleasantly surprised by the cost of this visit; we had the pre-op bloodwork done to make sure she was healthy enough for aenesthesia, had her spayed and microchipped, they extracted two baby teeth, got pain medications and it was less than $350.00. The baby teeth may have come out on their own but Dr. Smith wanted to go ahead and extract them while she was out so her adult canines wouldn't crowd and maybe come in crooked.
Afterward, we stopped at Petco so she could choose a new outfit and some toys. She got a tiny mallard duck and a light blue cow with tug ropes on him. This is her modeling her new clothes. Mister Fusspot got a new sweatshirt, too - Atlanta's in a cold snap and there's a freeze warning. Sprocket did a good bit of gloating that he is big enough, with enough long, thick fur that he doesn't have to wear clothes. We had a bit of a celebration dinner to welcome Esme home - rib eyes, garlic-roasted potatoes, haricots verts cooked with cherry tomatoes and bacon - yum. The puppies were all given small noms of steak.
Lastly, Alan allowed me to buy some flowers to brighten up Baby Esme's welcome home. She considered this a completely useless gift since she was not allowed to eat them. I like them, though.
I overthink these things, I know - but I'm not an overly social person by nature. Plus, I hate being rude. It's gotten better since being married. I feel more comfortable walking up to some man and chatting when I can turn and say, "And this is my husband, Alan." - no chance of being misread as flirtation or them wondering if I'm coming on to them (and probably wondering how to reject me politely).
So finally I walked up to Very Familiar Guy, told him he looked familiar, introduced myself and asked how he knew our host. Turns out I may or may not have seen him before at a cocktail party or political fundraiser, but we hadn't met. I'd definitely remember meeting a first-round draft pick and five-time Pro Bowler! He was very nice though. Maybe I'd just seen him on television; I watch a lot of football.
After the party, went home and crashed. Saturday morning bright and early, we went to fetch Baby Esme from the veterinarian. She was eating some breakfast so we chatted a bit with the ladies in the office and Dr. Smith's associate, Dr. Harwell. She doesn't have any external stitches - like when I cut my leg last year, they're now using a special type of glue. I was pleasantly surprised by the cost of this visit; we had the pre-op bloodwork done to make sure she was healthy enough for aenesthesia, had her spayed and microchipped, they extracted two baby teeth, got pain medications and it was less than $350.00. The baby teeth may have come out on their own but Dr. Smith wanted to go ahead and extract them while she was out so her adult canines wouldn't crowd and maybe come in crooked.
Afterward, we stopped at Petco so she could choose a new outfit and some toys. She got a tiny mallard duck and a light blue cow with tug ropes on him. This is her modeling her new clothes. Mister Fusspot got a new sweatshirt, too - Atlanta's in a cold snap and there's a freeze warning. Sprocket did a good bit of gloating that he is big enough, with enough long, thick fur that he doesn't have to wear clothes. We had a bit of a celebration dinner to welcome Esme home - rib eyes, garlic-roasted potatoes, haricots verts cooked with cherry tomatoes and bacon - yum. The puppies were all given small noms of steak.
Lastly, Alan allowed me to buy some flowers to brighten up Baby Esme's welcome home. She considered this a completely useless gift since she was not allowed to eat them. I like them, though.
That has to be the prettiest doggy girl in creation! Mr. Fusspot looks very handsome in his new sweatshirt, too. Sprocket is, of course, the most handsome ShihTzu granddog evah!
While shopping recently, I found several pairs of shoes I REALLY liked (didn't buy any, tho) and upon examination, realized they were all the same brand....ROCKET DOG! heh
Anonymous, at 9:45 AM
My favorite shoes (my black flats and my plaid sneakers) are Rocket Dog brand.
Helly, at 12:09 PM
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