So after my health scares and whatnot, I got a card in the mail today telling me that my mammogram - the health screening that started all the shocking badness I've been through the last month or so - was completely normal. WHOO-HOO for normal!!!! Though I still have to report for a surgical excision on Monday, at least I don't have cancer of the boobage on top of that...thank gods for small favors and et cetera...thank you all who left comments, sent e-mails, made phone calls & other to help me through this. I *heart* y'all and stuff...either I or Alan will post when Monday's ordeal is over. Thank you for being my friends - seriously.
Congrats on the passing the boobage test. We'll both start crossing our legs for you at midnight, although we know everything will go just fine and you'll be home before you know it, requesting snacks to go along with a nice round of video games or a good book read, and of course, well-deserved naps. Mwa!
Anonymous, at 8:48 PM
Woo! This is good news.
A Margarita, at 10:24 AM
YAY!!! WOOT!!! Awesome!
And... I've been stuck in the lab and haven't been able to make it to the post office to actually mail out your package, making me the worst care-package sender EVER, so it will be... um... nice and late. But better late than never, right? Right? ;)
Z, at 9:05 AM
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