The Hellhole

Monday, January 05, 2009

One of Jeff Foxworthy's many redneck jokes is that you might be a redneck if you've got a working television sitting on top of a non-working television.

The only things saving us from complete and utter redneckery are that the bottom TV still works (barely) and that we don't live in a trailer park. I did take the photograph with the TV tuned to the most redneck thing I could find, dirt-track truck racin'. Heh.

For quite some time, Alan and I have been discussing getting a new flat-screen LCD television so we decided to refrain from buying each other Christmas presents this year in order to have more available funds for the television purchase, and maybe take advantage of some after-Christmas sales. After checking prices, we found substantial bargains at HH Gregg; we were able to buy a larger TV than we thought, able to buy a second smaller LG flat-screen for the bedroom and best of all, the Sharp television we purchased came with a free Blu-Ray DVD player!

We hadn't even thought about upgrading to Blu-Ray. Generally, I prefer to be behind the curve on technology innovations - I'm miserly. But the Blu-Ray was the right price even for my cheap behind and WHOA! does it make a huge difference in picture quality/detail. We qualify for some sort of geek cred, I think, by virtue of the fact that our first Blu-Ray DVDs purchased were: the complete series of Firefly, The Dark Knight and Iron Man.

Seriously, we went out the next day and bought a tv stand. Here is the after pic:

Know the guy in the hat???


  • oooo! Fantastic!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:08 PM  

  • Who's the guy in the hat?

    By Blogger A Margarita, at 11:19 PM  

  • Badger! It's Badger from "Firefly".

    By Blogger Helly, at 9:11 AM  

  • Mark Sheppard! I remember him from Battlestar Galactica. HDTV rools!

    Hey, how did the mammogram go?

    By Blogger Topcat, at 6:06 PM  

  • The mammogram? Well my boobs were smashed and I almost crashed but the Lord had mercy, my doctor she's a dud, I'm stuck in the mud somewhere in the swamps of, wait, that's not right, channeling Springsteen there and he's probably never had a boob-smashing, I mean mammogram.

    Seriously, thank you for asking but I don't really know. I went and they smushed the boobage and it hurt and it made a big bruise on one side, not the boob but on the side where they squished a pectoral (I didn't think I had those - I mean, seriously!) but I won't know until the results come back sometime this week.

    I have to go tomorrow for further follow-up tests in a different area, so I get to worry about that too.

    By Blogger Helly, at 10:58 PM  

  • I highly applaud your DVD choices, and YAY for a nice new TV!!! :)

    By Blogger Z, at 9:39 AM  

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