Announcing THE HELLHOLE DEAD POOL contest!!!
You know how people do the Dead Pool thing, where they wager on which famous person will be the next to die? My water heater has inspired me to start a new Hellhole contest, complete with valuable prizes (and if you're a veteran reader, you know I give good prizes!) - the Official Hellhole Dead Pool! Sign up for anything, via comments or e-mail, and register your entry as to what will be next to go horribly, expensively awry at The Hellhole! I will give a prize! You can pick anything, but I will tell you a few facts to help you choose. Of course, since we are talking about me and MY luck, the fact that I just recently replaced/repaired a particular appliance could point equally strongly toward it being the last to break - or the next. (dun-dun-DUNNNNN!)
Dishwasher: replaced circa 1992. GE, 5-year warranty, 0 problems, 0 repairs
Hot Water Heater: replaced yesterday, GE, 6 year warranty
Washer/Dryer: Kenmore, purchased new from Sears 2003; 0 problems/repairs on dryer, $215 repair on washer January 2008
Wall oven (double unit): original appliance installed when house was built in 1972, 0 problems, 0 repairs
Stove surface unit: Kenmore, purchased new 2000, 0 problems, 0 repairs
AC/Heat: replaced entirely, including thermostat, August 2003. Two <$100 repairs since then
Plumbing: septic tank pumped October 2004, main drain snaked, some stuff replaced. Drain re-snaked 2007 *just for safety*
Security system: installed sometime before The Hellhole was purchased in 1990. Regular repairs at appallingly regular intervals ever since, generally <$100
Electrical wiring: replaced at considerable cost, April 2008
Entire Hellhole rodentproofed (at similarly considerable cost): April 2008
Roof: replaced/reshingled in entirety summer 2003
Refrigerator: age unknown, here and semi-old when I purchased The Hellhole in 1990, 0 problems, 0 repairs
Television: gift from grandparents sometime around 1998, 0 repairs, often acts wonky
PS2: 2nd generation PS2 purchased, about 2007 but I'm not sure what month that my original PS2-A bought the dust for the 3rd and final time. 0 repairs, sometimes acts temperamentally
DVD player: $50, purchased 2004, 0 warranty, 0 repairs, 0 problems
Alan's car: 2000 Saturn, paid off, 130,000 miles, some maintenance costs, some repairs, was recently (May, I think) certified problem-free and no-repairs-needed by Saturn
My car: 2004 Sebring, paid off, 52,000 miles, couple of $600 - $700 repairs, nothing lately
So cast your votes now, for one of the items listed or another of your choosing! We have two bathrooms, so there are two toilets, two bath drains, two sinks to bet on; the kitchen sink; the garage door; light fixtures - general or room specific; there are Alan's several computers - in general or designate one; the microwave; the satellite dish; two cell phones; the telephone lines - let your only limit be your imagination, and if you are correct, you could be the next LUCKY HELLHOLE CONTEST WINNAH!!!!!
You know how people do the Dead Pool thing, where they wager on which famous person will be the next to die? My water heater has inspired me to start a new Hellhole contest, complete with valuable prizes (and if you're a veteran reader, you know I give good prizes!) - the Official Hellhole Dead Pool! Sign up for anything, via comments or e-mail, and register your entry as to what will be next to go horribly, expensively awry at The Hellhole! I will give a prize! You can pick anything, but I will tell you a few facts to help you choose. Of course, since we are talking about me and MY luck, the fact that I just recently replaced/repaired a particular appliance could point equally strongly toward it being the last to break - or the next. (dun-dun-DUNNNNN!)
Dishwasher: replaced circa 1992. GE, 5-year warranty, 0 problems, 0 repairs
Hot Water Heater: replaced yesterday, GE, 6 year warranty
Washer/Dryer: Kenmore, purchased new from Sears 2003; 0 problems/repairs on dryer, $215 repair on washer January 2008
Wall oven (double unit): original appliance installed when house was built in 1972, 0 problems, 0 repairs
Stove surface unit: Kenmore, purchased new 2000, 0 problems, 0 repairs
AC/Heat: replaced entirely, including thermostat, August 2003. Two <$100 repairs since then
Plumbing: septic tank pumped October 2004, main drain snaked, some stuff replaced. Drain re-snaked 2007 *just for safety*
Security system: installed sometime before The Hellhole was purchased in 1990. Regular repairs at appallingly regular intervals ever since, generally <$100
Electrical wiring: replaced at considerable cost, April 2008
Entire Hellhole rodentproofed (at similarly considerable cost): April 2008
Roof: replaced/reshingled in entirety summer 2003
Refrigerator: age unknown, here and semi-old when I purchased The Hellhole in 1990, 0 problems, 0 repairs
Television: gift from grandparents sometime around 1998, 0 repairs, often acts wonky
PS2: 2nd generation PS2 purchased, about 2007 but I'm not sure what month that my original PS2-A bought the dust for the 3rd and final time. 0 repairs, sometimes acts temperamentally
DVD player: $50, purchased 2004, 0 warranty, 0 repairs, 0 problems
Alan's car: 2000 Saturn, paid off, 130,000 miles, some maintenance costs, some repairs, was recently (May, I think) certified problem-free and no-repairs-needed by Saturn
My car: 2004 Sebring, paid off, 52,000 miles, couple of $600 - $700 repairs, nothing lately
So cast your votes now, for one of the items listed or another of your choosing! We have two bathrooms, so there are two toilets, two bath drains, two sinks to bet on; the kitchen sink; the garage door; light fixtures - general or room specific; there are Alan's several computers - in general or designate one; the microwave; the satellite dish; two cell phones; the telephone lines - let your only limit be your imagination, and if you are correct, you could be the next LUCKY HELLHOLE CONTEST WINNAH!!!!!
I call dibs on the TV being the next thing to pop its electronic clogs ... :-)
thermalsatsuma, at 1:05 AM
Oooo, the possibilities! I was going to call the TV but Neil H beat me to it. I think it's going to be something that you use in your every day - they're more susceptible to wear and tear.
One of the cellphones. Mine is on the blinks. I'll take it as a sign that the rest of the world might also have bad cell phone karma.
A Margarita, at 9:30 AM
Ooo, I have dibs on the fridge!
Topcat, at 9:51 AM
Stove top.
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM
Is it hot there? I think I'm going to go with A/C. Which will go out of commission whenever you have a really record-breaking hot day.
Anonymous, at 12:35 PM
I'm seeing a . . . gutter or .. . a drainpipe. One of those is going to fall off your house or become blocked by a dead squirrel.
Anonymous Me, at 9:51 PM
The change in toilet paper might be more pleasant for you but I reckon that it is going to mess up your plumbing...and I don't mean that euphemistically!
Anonymous, at 12:44 AM
A light bulb will go in your house soon - in bed!
Your lucky numbers are: 7, 33, 92473
Anonymous, at 12:50 AM
Kev says he picks Alan's car (could have some heat-related issues with this crazy summer). Our VW Jetta has had a terrible time in this TX heat!
I will pick the security system! Sounds like it likes to be problematic - and is probably ready to act up just 'cause you mentioned it :)
Hopefully though, - nothing - will go out on you guys!
Lisa and Kev
DrL/K, at 2:12 PM
your plumbing. i mean your body's.
Anonymous, at 8:02 AM
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