Two memes, both lifted from Basil:
1. The phone rings. Who are you hoping it is? Any of my friends, in general. My brother in particular - much has happened this weekend in the world of hockey that I'd enjoy discussing with him.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Of course. It kinda blows my mind that people are slack-ass, lazy and/or uncaring enough not to - I mean, why wouldn't you? It's only courteous.
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? Depends - in larger crowds or situations where I don't know most of the people, 80% listener. In terms of personal preference, I'd rather listen than talk. But I dearly love it when, in a group, one of the people urges me to tell "that story about XYZ" or "tell us about that time when" - I very much enjoy telling a story and making people laugh, if I'm first assured that everyone wants to hear me tell it.
4. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? Hypothetically, I'd like to think of myself as a survivor type who would improvise, adapt and overcome, but the reality is that I'd only last until I ran out of allergy meds.
5. Do you like to ride horses? Yes. I'm not particularly proficient, but I enjoy it.
8. Last kiss: Last smooch, about 3 hours ago while we were clearing the kitchen from dinner. Last real kiss, last night before falling asleep. We do that sort of thing.
7. Last beverage: Kendall-Jackson Cabernet, partly with dinner and partly ongoing as I type.
6. Last movie watched: Tenacious D in The Pick Of Destiny. My darling husband bought it for me on Thursday. Uproariously hilarious. I love JB and KG. POWER SLIIIDE!
5. Last phone call: Alan calling me last evening to tell me what time he was leaving his company's annual users' meeting so I'd know when to expect him. Last chatty, catching up kind of call was probably Wednesday when Bo and I spoke briefly. Thursday and Friday I was off work to do a certain task so I was pretty anti-social in order to concentrate upon it.
4. Last CD played: The last few days I've been alternating between The White Stripes's Elephant and the eponymous Audioslave. I'm sad that Audioslave is breaking up. I liked them.
3. Last "i love you": I probably said it at some point during the day, including an "I love you puppy" to Sprocket, but for sure last night before falling asleep. Along with the night-night kiss, it's something we do.
2. Last time you cried: Friday, March 9.
1. Last alcoholic drink: Kendall-Jackson Cabernet. I poured a glass to have with dinner and I've been sipping it since then.
1. The phone rings. Who are you hoping it is? Any of my friends, in general. My brother in particular - much has happened this weekend in the world of hockey that I'd enjoy discussing with him.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Of course. It kinda blows my mind that people are slack-ass, lazy and/or uncaring enough not to - I mean, why wouldn't you? It's only courteous.
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? Depends - in larger crowds or situations where I don't know most of the people, 80% listener. In terms of personal preference, I'd rather listen than talk. But I dearly love it when, in a group, one of the people urges me to tell "that story about XYZ" or "tell us about that time when" - I very much enjoy telling a story and making people laugh, if I'm first assured that everyone wants to hear me tell it.
4. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? Hypothetically, I'd like to think of myself as a survivor type who would improvise, adapt and overcome, but the reality is that I'd only last until I ran out of allergy meds.
5. Do you like to ride horses? Yes. I'm not particularly proficient, but I enjoy it.
8. Last kiss: Last smooch, about 3 hours ago while we were clearing the kitchen from dinner. Last real kiss, last night before falling asleep. We do that sort of thing.
7. Last beverage: Kendall-Jackson Cabernet, partly with dinner and partly ongoing as I type.
6. Last movie watched: Tenacious D in The Pick Of Destiny. My darling husband bought it for me on Thursday. Uproariously hilarious. I love JB and KG. POWER SLIIIDE!
5. Last phone call: Alan calling me last evening to tell me what time he was leaving his company's annual users' meeting so I'd know when to expect him. Last chatty, catching up kind of call was probably Wednesday when Bo and I spoke briefly. Thursday and Friday I was off work to do a certain task so I was pretty anti-social in order to concentrate upon it.
4. Last CD played: The last few days I've been alternating between The White Stripes's Elephant and the eponymous Audioslave. I'm sad that Audioslave is breaking up. I liked them.
3. Last "i love you": I probably said it at some point during the day, including an "I love you puppy" to Sprocket, but for sure last night before falling asleep. Along with the night-night kiss, it's something we do.
2. Last time you cried: Friday, March 9.
1. Last alcoholic drink: Kendall-Jackson Cabernet. I poured a glass to have with dinner and I've been sipping it since then.
The Saturday night Leafs game was awesome!!! I'm so happy Darcy and Kyle are back. I've missed Darcy so much. Maybe when I can afford it, I'll get a Tucker jersey, instead of a Domi jersey.
Chris Simon - ugh, what a cretin. Yeah, he was woozy, so he swung his stick with both hands into another guy's head. I'm so not buying the concussion excuse, especially since he's been violent before.
What was March 9th?
Anonymous, at 6:35 AM
March 9 was Day Two of throwing out massive amounts of old junk from The Hellhole. Armed with a heavy garbage bag, I went out to the dumpster to toss it, stepped into a shallow hole and rolled my bad ankle. I was thrown off balance enough by the heavy load to fall down on it. It hurt.
Helly, at 8:56 AM
We have 'the D' sitting here on our sofa waiting to be watched!! So glad to hear a positive response to the movie.
Our spring break is officially "on" and they were at the top of our video list. Just me, KP, JB and KG and the DVD - well, it's just a special thing :) LOVE the D!
Anonymous, at 1:42 PM
Oops - that was me above! Lisa :)
Anonymous, at 1:43 PM
Oh, Honey! I am so so so sorry about your getting hurt! Your poor ankle! My poor sweet babygirl-kisses from Mom.
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM
Heh, Lisa, I knew it was you from the "KP" in your comment. You will LOVE Pick of Destiny. After the opening scene featuring Meat Loaf as JB's dad and a cameo by Ronnie James Dio, you'll think it can't possibly get any better. But it does. Oh, how it does!!!
Helly, at 3:38 PM
Thanks, Mom. I wanted sympathy. It's my left ankle and you know how ever since I broke it, it's very easy to sprain. *looks sad and pitiful*
Helly, at 3:39 PM
awww...I never could resist your 'sad and pitiful' look...bless heart
Anonymous, at 4:31 PM
Ugh, I'm sorry about your ankle. Leigh-Ann sprained her ankle just walking in a straight line once. Took forever to heal. I hope your poor ankle gets better soon. In the meantime, walk carefully.
Anonymous, at 7:51 PM
Thanks, Flippy. Yeah, it's hard 'cause I can't really stay off it - I have to walk from the parking deck to the office, to the bank, etc. But I'll survive!
Helly, at 8:06 PM
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your ankle! I would have cried, too. Poor thing. You could get some crutches for hobbling around on - and knocking people out of the way.
Anonymous Me, at 7:25 PM
Ooh, I appreciate all the sympathy. That's all I really want when I'm injured. :-)
Helly, at 8:21 PM
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