The Hellhole

Sunday, January 07, 2007

So the car dealership finally sorted out what they thought I should be named (see January 3 post below for details), fixed the Hellmobile and allowed me to exchange a rather large cheque for its freedom. The only real surprise is that, 5 - 10 minutes after I drove off, they didn't call The Law on Helly Bowman for stealing Helly Braxton-Hayes's convertible.

Prior to undertaking the repairs, I asked them to save the defective CD changer, rather than throwing it away, so I could retrieve the CDs from within. Today I set out to deconstruct the defective changer and set my music free.

It wasn't as easy to get the CDs out as I'd thought. I totally expected that after I took the faceplate off, I'd find a little holder with the stack of CDs but instead I found this. This explains, in part, the guy at the dealership looking so doubtful and reluctant at my insistence that if they'd give me the non-functional CD player, I'd get my music out of it. It wasn't as easy as I'd hoped (sigh - nothing ever is) but apparently the dealership fellow underestimated my determination and tenacity - or as my mom calls it, incorrigable stubbornness - but by 11:00 AM I had freed every single one of my trapped CDs, so faugh on the non-believers. Faugh, I say!

A big shout-out to Alan who helped by loosening the screws I wasn't strong enough to start on my own, and to Sprocket, whose help throughout the project was invaluable. He used the stuffed beach ball to great effect. Poor little Sprocket is being rewarded for his efforts with a scalping and a bubble bath. This seems unfair, but I must stress that this time, it was NOT my idea. Alan is the bad guy today and I owe him for helping with the CD player, so Sprocket is in for an unpleasant Sunday afternoon.


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