I have been to the candy store across the street and returned with a bag of jellybeans. I like going to that candy store because instead of prepackaged bags, all the jellybeans are separated by flavor. I can get a bag of assorted flavors scoop by scoop, so the bag consists only of the flavors I like. This bag has raspberry, grape, cherry (my favorite), banana, bubblegum and cinnamon. I like the cotton candy ones, too, but I didn't see any. I'm against the buttered popcorn-flavored jellybean. Totally, disgustingly icky and also in violation of Helly's Food Law #2. I hate the buttered popcorn-flavored jellybean even more than the dirt ones and grass ones you get in Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, but not more than the vomit ones.
eeuuw. Bertie Bott's really has vomit? That's worse than ear wax! eeuuww.
I don't think I'd like popcorn-flavored jelly beans, as much as I love popcorn.
I am well aware of Helly's Food Law #2.
BTW-speaking of food,the menu for the reception sounds really yummy.
Anonymous, at 4:13 PM
Flippy, Helly and her brother both received bags of Bertie Bott's beans in their Xmas stockings, and both ate the candy. Of course, Helly separated hers by colour, and nastiness. Bo, also of course, ate the grossest ones first.
Helly's mom
Anonymous, at 4:15 PM
I, too, hate the buttered popcorn jellybeans. Blech, blech, triple blech.
Did you actually try your Bertie Bott's beans? I was too chicken.
Anonymous, at 4:15 PM
Yes, I did. The horseradish ones were...interesting. Also, I bought a huge tub of regular jellybeans, mixed in 2 boxes of Bertie Bott's, and left them on my desk at the office. I only warned my favorite co-worker. I am evil.
Helly, at 4:40 PM
Can you eat the cinnamon ones with others, or do they have to be eaten seperately?
oldhall, at 10:27 AM
Well, it's a weird quirk of mine that all of them have to be separate, not just the cinnamon ones. I dump out a few...okay, a handful on my desk and then segregate them by color, and eat each one by one. This is true not just of jellybeans but of SweeTarts, M&Ms, Skittles, etc.
Helly, at 11:19 AM
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