I feel this overwhelming need to post but I don’t have anything funny to write. Nothing of particular note has happened lately.
Friday I took the day off work to watch Serenity, Joss Whedon’s Firefly movie. It was pretty darned good. No spoilers follow, feel free to read on if you haven’t seen it yet. It stands on its own as a good action/adventure movie; a few minutes of exposition at the beginning keep people who haven’t seen the TV series from being lost. However, fans of the series will grasp nuances and deeper meanings by being familiar with the characters and backstory. We saw it twice and it’s definitely worth a second (and third and fourth) viewing. I missed some funny bits the first time through by having my attention focused on the action. Funniest non-spoiler-involving moment:
Zoe: Do you really think any of us are getting out of here alive?
Jayne: Well - I might.
Over the weekend, improvements to The Hellhole: I scraped all the wallpaper off the hallway (320 square feet, oh what fun) in preparation for hanging new wallpaper, probably this coming weekend. Sunday my parents came up to help: Daddy installed my new kitchen faucet which is new and tall and shiny, W00T!, Mom and I finished the kitchen wallpaper and, best of all - you real-life visitors to The Hellhole will appreciate this - Daddy sanded the door frame of the front bathroom so the door actually closes all the way and opens freely without threatening to trap visitors inside. The next big project will be yanking the stained, smelly, nasty carpet out and putting hardwood floors in, which will make me very happy and hopefully less sneezley.
Some workmen are doing something in the ceiling of my office or the ones adjacent and all the banging and scraping is getting on my nerves. I am blasting Dropkick Murphys at totally unprofessional levels. The Cure’s Three Imaginary Boys is next. It doesn’t totally drown out the whamming and slamming but it helps.
Friday I took the day off work to watch Serenity, Joss Whedon’s Firefly movie. It was pretty darned good. No spoilers follow, feel free to read on if you haven’t seen it yet. It stands on its own as a good action/adventure movie; a few minutes of exposition at the beginning keep people who haven’t seen the TV series from being lost. However, fans of the series will grasp nuances and deeper meanings by being familiar with the characters and backstory. We saw it twice and it’s definitely worth a second (and third and fourth) viewing. I missed some funny bits the first time through by having my attention focused on the action. Funniest non-spoiler-involving moment:
Zoe: Do you really think any of us are getting out of here alive?
Jayne: Well - I might.
Over the weekend, improvements to The Hellhole: I scraped all the wallpaper off the hallway (320 square feet, oh what fun) in preparation for hanging new wallpaper, probably this coming weekend. Sunday my parents came up to help: Daddy installed my new kitchen faucet which is new and tall and shiny, W00T!, Mom and I finished the kitchen wallpaper and, best of all - you real-life visitors to The Hellhole will appreciate this - Daddy sanded the door frame of the front bathroom so the door actually closes all the way and opens freely without threatening to trap visitors inside. The next big project will be yanking the stained, smelly, nasty carpet out and putting hardwood floors in, which will make me very happy and hopefully less sneezley.
Some workmen are doing something in the ceiling of my office or the ones adjacent and all the banging and scraping is getting on my nerves. I am blasting Dropkick Murphys at totally unprofessional levels. The Cure’s Three Imaginary Boys is next. It doesn’t totally drown out the whamming and slamming but it helps.
Yep - he doesn't have a huge amount of screen time, though. But he's funny.
Helly, at 3:31 PM
Oh, I LOVE redecorating... and as I will be moving soon (ish) :^)
maria, at 1:14 AM
I can't say I love it, Maria. I do like choosing new things and the nice new look, but I hate the part of the process where everything is in a shambles.
Helly, at 1:41 PM
Uh oh, when we write an entry, something funny or of particular note needs to happen? I need to rethink this whole blogging thing, apparently.
Today, Center Ice! YA-HOO!!!
Anonymous, at 3:09 PM
Yes, FINALLY it is time for hockey season to officially begin! W00T!
Helly, at 4:04 PM
There is no joy in 'Marthasville'
Braves lost to the stupid ASStros, and the Thrashers lost in Florida... Finn should be pleased with that last...
Anonymous, at 8:03 AM
I want to see your new place. Thanks for the tip on Firefly.
Anonymous Me, at 7:46 PM
It's the same old place only with new trimmings, but you're welcome anytime!
Helly, at 5:52 PM
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