The Hellhole

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Today I took the Yankee/Dixie dialect quiz. I wasn’t surprised that I scored 78% Dixie but I was surprised that my non-Southern answers were either Maine or Massachusetts. I’ve never been to either place, nor are any of my friends from either. I have a number of friends from NYC so I wouldn’t have been surprised if NYC/Jersey expressions or speech patterns had crept in, but MAINE?!?

Also surprising were my results on the religion quiz that Nancy had on her blog. I got a 100% match on Christian Science. WTF?!? The next two closest matches were Neo-Pagan (96%) and Roman Catholic (91%), okay, I can see that, I guess, but - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE?!? No way. I took it again because the first time through I didn't pay much attention to the "high medium low" ratings. I tried to be more thorough and I guess it helped because I'm not a Christian Scientist anymore. Apparently now I am 98% Neo-Pagan, 90% Mahayana Buddhist (?), 86% Hindu. Roman Catholic dropped all the way to 78%. I don’t think those results fit me; I'm not peaceful and kind enough to be a Buddhist. My results are skewed probably because of my belief in evil. I don’t believe it’s Satan’s fault if some a-hole beats his wife and molests his children - I believe it’s the a-hole’s fault.

I had a lot more written for the blog today about what I do and don’t believe, but when I reread it for proofreading I decided to delete it instead. I’m just feeling totally inadequate to discourse upon such a weighty subject.


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