I didn't want to write anything about this earlier because I didn't want to think about it, but my mom recently had a mammogram and they found something. Yesterday morning, very early, she went in for a needle biopsy. Even though we didn't expect the results until Monday or Tuesday, her doctor called her late this afternoon and it's nothing - a calcium deposit, absolutely nothing to worry about. Don't have the vocabulary adequate to express my relief...
Oh, thank god.
Give her my best, eh?
Heather, at 2:14 AM
Thanks, Heather - I sure will!!!
Helly, at 9:59 AM
Thank goodness. All this crap about women not having to get mammograms as often is wrong headed. A test and a relief is still better than no test and the possibility of something turning cancerous that could be caught early with testing.
basil, at 10:43 AM
this is good news - and what a great MD to call her earlier than expected, he/she must really care about their patients - that is really something!
Anonymous, at 6:00 PM
I'm very glad for your mom!
Topcat, at 7:07 PM
Oh, thank goodness. I know exactly what that worry is like. Yes, what a great doctor to call back so quick with good news!
Anonymous Me, at 7:15 PM
Thanks for all the kind comments, ya'll! Like the Helster, I have no words to express my relief!
Anonymous, at 11:34 AM
I just saw this post. I'm glad it turned out to be nothing, too!
Anonymous, at 9:44 PM
That's great to hear!
A Margarita, at 10:19 AM
Hi! Great news! Apologies for being so very late to it but... I could bore you with excuses, but I won't. I'm a terrible friend. Will try to be better. Great news, though.
Much love,
Anonymous, at 2:11 PM
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