You know what's irking me today? When people say "joolery" instead of "jew-el-ry". I hear Sean Hannity do this every single morning during this commercial for a local jewelry store on WSB radio. Note that - it's a local JEWELRY store, not a JOOLERY store. I don't know why it's irking me so badly, but it is.
Can I contribute as irritations 'sickth' for 'sixth', 'seckerterry' for 'secretary', 'febbery' for 'february' and the all time most egregious example of mangled English 'nooclear'
thermalsatsuma, at 2:05 PM
What about that 'joolery' store guy who constantly refers to diamond, ruby or sapphire PENNANTS???
I want to call the station and scream at him that a PENNANT is a flag! and the thing hanging from the chain is a PENDant!
Anonymous, at 7:11 AM
Neil, I'll see your comment and raise you a "liberry" for "library".
Mom, who says "pennant"? I don't recall hearing that one. Now I'll be on the lookout. Er, listenout.
Helly, at 5:04 PM
Oh, I wanted to be the one to throw in "liberry!" Rats.
Anonymous Me, at 8:53 PM
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