Countdown to Vega$!!! I am so not in the mood to work - I want vacation to start NOW. I’m in that prep-stage when, though it’s too soon to pack my luggage, I am deciding what I want to bring so I have time to locate various items, make sure my clothing choices are laundered, etc. It is at this time that I also inventory my supplies, as a prerequisite to any trip is an outing to Target to buy tiny travel-sized items like deodorant, toothpaste, contact-lens solution. I usually just refill the tiny bottles of shampoo and mouthwash from my larger everyday jugs but I love the tiny sizes; depending on where we’re going/what they have, I might buy other things like a tiny case of 10 wet-wipes or tissues or something.
I don’t know why (well, because I’m me, that’s why) but whenever I travel, I obsess about forgetting some necessity. I count out a pair of underpants for each day, plan on taking two extra and decide four is better. I make endless lists of beauty and hygiene products, I wonder how many different shades of eye shadow I'm likely to need in the course of a week, I wonder if I’ll need extra Q-tips or will 30 be enough, I make sure to have at least 2 safety pins, 2 hair elastics and several cotton balls in my makeup bag - I have no idea why. I mean, everywhere I go on vacation is a big resort, a large city or a major travel destination. They are 100% likely to have grocery stores, drug stores and department stores so if I forget anything, it is easily and inexpensively replaced. But to watch me plan, you’d think I was going on a six-week safari to deepest, darkest Kenya and that if I forget my toothbrush, I’ll be reduced to performing dental hygiene with a frayed twig.
I don’t know why (well, because I’m me, that’s why) but whenever I travel, I obsess about forgetting some necessity. I count out a pair of underpants for each day, plan on taking two extra and decide four is better. I make endless lists of beauty and hygiene products, I wonder how many different shades of eye shadow I'm likely to need in the course of a week, I wonder if I’ll need extra Q-tips or will 30 be enough, I make sure to have at least 2 safety pins, 2 hair elastics and several cotton balls in my makeup bag - I have no idea why. I mean, everywhere I go on vacation is a big resort, a large city or a major travel destination. They are 100% likely to have grocery stores, drug stores and department stores so if I forget anything, it is easily and inexpensively replaced. But to watch me plan, you’d think I was going on a six-week safari to deepest, darkest Kenya and that if I forget my toothbrush, I’ll be reduced to performing dental hygiene with a frayed twig.
I start early too! I hate to be unprepared. I gotta pack the band aids and Neosporin, alongside, my day moisturizer and night moisturizer. What if it rains? You need an umbrella!
It needs to be Friday!
A Margarita, at 11:08 AM
Ooh, band aids! I forgot about the wee little sleeve of 10 band aids you can get on Target's travel aisle. (Never mind the fact that if I do manage to injure myself, it's likely to require stitches and not a band aid! That's how I roll.)
Helly, at 11:11 AM
It's funny because it's true. Our last two trips out of town were one night in Augusta in December to see my family and two nights in Athens in January when Heather came to visit. Both times, I packed at least five pairs of socks and underwear, three pairs of jeans, and probably four shirts. And a flashlight. All of this, to stay at two fairly nice hotels.
Every time we go somewhere overnight, we always say that we're not going to over pack this time. And we always do. It's not like we're off to spend the night in deepest Redneckia, where the only grocery store is a run-down Piggly Wiggly that only stocks Pepsi, either. Augusta is the second largest city in Georgia, with a metro population of just over 500,000 people, and Athens is home to a fairly sizable university, so any and everything we could ever want or need would be right around the corner. And still, we leave the house every time with suitcases that weigh far too much. At least, we're both this way, instead of one of us being an "over packer" and the other being an "under packer". That could get ugly...
Alan Bowman, at 3:51 PM
I have to travel alot lately, and I use this link for a PDF printable packing list:
I take a sharpie and cross out what I don't need (like outdoorsy stuff), but I have found it is a great checklist. And I consult it when I re-pack, cause I am always liable to forget something at the hotel.
DrL/K, at 4:26 PM
You can never be too prepared. I completely forgot to take my makeup on the last trip Bo and I took. I packed it, but I forgot it at home. I always draw on my eyebrows. Everything else I could really do without, but I look weird with no brows. So we got to the hotel, I washed my face, and then noticed I had no makeup. So Bo took me out in public with no face on to buy more makeup. Motto is: you can never be too prepared if you don't want to be eyebrowless in public.
Anonymous, at 7:19 PM
Whoa, going braless in public would be embarrassing. Oh wait, you said browless, huh? Not once have I ever had to worry about that. In fact, should you need extra brow, you should travel with me - I've got extra.
Anonymous, at 11:53 PM
Oh, you do overpack! That would drive me crazy. I like one outfit per day, and I agree, clean underwear every day is necessary, but I don't take extras. I try to take no more than two prs of shoes, but when we went to NM for a wedding, I had to pack an extra pair for that event so I only packed one other pr and then the shoes I wore on the plane.
I wear a pair of shoes that go on and off very easily when I fly, and with no metal shank. I even have a special bra I wear when we fly. I try to make it as painless as possible when I am zipping through airports. This last time, taking a two year old toddler with her own seat, made things more cumbersome. I only carried my big satchel purse as my carry-on.
And yes, places in the US have stores where you can buy more stuff should you run out. And the hotels have laundries and dry cleaners.
Anonymous, at 2:38 PM
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