I must confess that I get a frisson tinged with feelings of superiority whenever I notice that someone who is pulling an idiotic traffic maneuver is doing so in a car sporting a crumpled fender, a rusty scrape or a huge dent, and instead of muttering obscenities under my breath, I chortle inwardly like, "Ah-ha, so you pull this kind of crap OFTEN, do you?" -- which happened this morning when I was nearly plowed into by a silver Lexus whose driver decided that her big ugly sedan was going to fit into the six-inch gap between me and the SUV just ahead - both of us stationary at the time. Her front fender had been folded, bent, spindled and mutilated. HA! Better look out, stupid wench - more carma is doubtless coming your way. (No, that wasn't a typo. I was trying to pun.)
I like your pun..I never seem successful with puns.
Anonymous, at 9:26 AM
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