Cincy Diva did this meme, and once Nancy, K'vitsh, Sandy and Basil did it, I figured, who am I not to bandwagon? So:
1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:45 - mornings would be okay if they didn't start so damned early
2. How do you like your steak? Rare to medium rare
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? I'm not positive but I think it was Shrek II, which was my first date film with the fellow who's now my husband, so that was quite some time ago. I've tried to see a few flicks since then but the start times never worked with the other things that were going on.
4. What is your favorite TV show? Do NHL Playoffs count? Other than sports, I don't watch a lot of TV.
5. What did you have for breakfast? Diet Coke. I don't eat breakfast regularly, though I enjoy going out for it as a treat. It's not worth sacrificing valuable sleep time to plan, prepare, cook, eat and clean up something.
6. What is your middle name? Michelle
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Italian, if I have to pick one, but I like Mexican, Chinese, good ol' American too - depends on my mood.
8. What foods do you dislike? Entrails, anything resembling a tumor (such as cauliflower, many squashes), yams, collards - and I have a weird thing about onions: heartily enjoy them cooked in things, but hate them raw like in a salad or on top of a burger.
9. What is your favorite chips? To eat as a stand-alone snack, Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream. To eat with a sammich, plain regular flavoured Lay's.
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? flip-flopping between Incubus's Light Grenades and Muse's Black Holes And Revelations
11. What kind of car do you drive? Mostly a Chrysler Sebring convertible, but I have a Corvette and a Honda Rebel for spare. Don't tell my mom about the motorcycle.
12. What is your favorite sandwich? I make these when we have leftover London Broil: sliced broil, Swiss cheese and Dijon, grilled in butter until the bread is toasted and the cheese is lovely and melty...slurp...I'm also a big fan of the club sandwich.
13. What characteristics do you despise? Hypocrisy, intolerance, willful stupidity
14. What are your favorite clothes? Black capri pants with fancy cuffs (I have 4 different pairs) and matching tops - my favorite one is a lime-green boat-neck top with 3/4 sleeves
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Anywhere with a sandy beach and a lovely ocean. St. Croix, U.S.V.I., Turks & Caicos, dry Tortugas...not that I'd say no to Antigua or Aruba or St. Thomas, you understand.
16. Favorite brand of clothing? With one notable exception, I don't pay nearly as much attention to brand as to whether I like the item, but generally I like Vittadini and DKNY, Ralph can always be counted upon for quality and classic design, but if I'm honest, by sheer numbers more clothes in my closet are made by CCM than anybody (not Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, CCM makes hockey sweaters. I'm not joking, sadly). That one notable exception? SHOES. I am a shoe snob, maybe even a shoe ho - not to be confused with a shoe horn. I *heart* Salvatore Ferragamo, Manolo, Cole-Haan, Dolce & Gabbana (which come to think of it make pretty cool clothes too) and my newest crush, Jimmy Choo...Alan will attest to this:
"Those shoes cost more than my first car!"
"Yeah, but I'll get more mileage out of them and keep 'em longer."
"*heavy sigh* This closet? Piled three feet deep in shoes? It actually has a floor somewhere, right?"
"I believe so."
"Riiiiiight. Is it carpeted? What color?"
" - oh, look, Steve Jobs is on Tech TV giving away MacBookPros!" [runs to Phipps with credit cards while husband's back is turned]
17. Where would you want to retire? See question 15. Atlanta is fine, too.
18. Favorite time of day? Not a clock time, per se, but whenever in the evening that the stuff I had to do that night is done, I'm fresh and clean from my bath, and I snuggle deep into the feathertop on the comfy bed with a husband to my left, a kitty at my feet and a Shih-Tzu on the floor to the right...then I am happy and content and all is right with my world.
19. Where were you born? Cowshit, Georgia (40 miles east of Atlanta)
20. What is your favorite sport to watch? can't choose between Formula One auto racing and hockey
21. Pepsi or Coke? Please. I live in Atlanta, the city that Coke built.
22. Beavers or ducks? Is this some hidden sexual innuendo question I don't understand? Beavers. Ducks crap everywhere and make a big mess. Beavers are cute. Er, assuming it's not a sexual innuendo.
23. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Total, complete night owl. So much so, I'd make a vampire look like a morning person.
24. Pedicure or manicure? Oooh, yes please both! I do more pedis myself than professionally but it's a nice treat. My nails are more often done than not and my toes are always polished.
25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? As usual, my only exciting news involves people I know rather than me: last Friday little brother Bo finished the final hurdle, which was defending his dissertation, and is now officially DOCTOR Bo, woo-hoo! (Performance and composition in double-bass. I'm very most proud of him.)
26. What did you want to be when you were little? Bigger. Seriously - wasn't being little a time trial of waiting until you were old enough/big enough to do the things you wanted? At career day in elementary school I wanted to be a writer, which I am but I should have been more specific: a writer who got paid/made a living at it. For a long while I wanted to be a race car driver and I do that some weekends, but there again, not a bill-paying sort of gig. In fact, quite the bill-creating hobby.
27. What is your best childhood memory? Maybe it isn't 'childhood', but for me this is it: after a certain age, my granddad had blood pressure issues and his doctor told him that if he didn't want to take blood pressure medicine, which he didn't (disliked the side effects), he could keep his blood pressure down by taking a glass of wine a day. Lifelong teetotalers, he and my grandmother started getting interested in wines, vintages, etc. and this turned into a huge hobby for my grandfather, who started making his own wine out of various fruits: peaches, plums, muscadines, blackberries, wild cherries, sometimes blending these with grapes, making mulled wine, spiced wine, all sorts of lovely concoctions. So, the memory: the summer after I'd started college he woke me up at some ridiculous hour like 5:30AM because the wild cherries were at their peak. Nobody else was up or around as we went all over the farm in his truck picking wild cherries. At one point we broke a huge branch off an oak tree, trying to get the cherries from the vine entangling it, and he ran and hid behind his pickup, yelling for me to duck so his daughter-in-law wouldn't see that we'd broken her oak tree. I don't think she was even awake yet or that she'd have cared, but my granddad and I were in stealth mode, sneaking around his truck hiding from the Invisible Auntie Threat as we harvested wild cherries. We laughed so much that day. We picked some plums too, pretending to hide from my grandmother, because at that point we were attacking her tree, and a few hours later we had those plums for breakfast with her fresh-baked biscuits. Oh, and it was the BEST red wine, too, dry, lovely claret colour and the most wonderful cherry aroma, when he decanted it the next year.
28. Piercing? Ears.
29. Ever been to Africa? No.
30. Ever been toilet papering? Yes.
31. Been in a car accident? Yes, but never anything serious and nothing that was my fault.
32. Favorite day of the week? Saturday.
33. Restaurant? Imperial Fez, Michaelangelo, Highland Tap. And for an anytime treat, Olive Garden. Da O.G. rocks!
34. Favorite Flower? Cape Jasmine.
35. Favorite ice cream? Godiva's white chocolate raspberry.
36. Favorite fast food restaurant? McFood. I'm a traditionalist.
37. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Once. I suck at the parallel parking. Which is totally unfair because parallel parking has absolutely ZERO relevance to real life, someone will always move and let you park in the normal space where they were if you ask them nicely, or if you threaten them with a loaded Glock...oh wait, I've said too much...
38. From whom did you get your last email? Heather (a/k/a Kvitsh)
39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Actual store: Borders; virtual store: Amazon
40. Bedtime? Around 11:00 (reluctantly) but it varies quite a bit.
41. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? Whomever
42. Last person you went out to dinner with? The beloved husband. We went to Longhorn for a nice juicy steak.
43. What are you listening to right now? The Red Wings/Sharks game. Bill Clement is doing some analysis. (Clement, Clement, hands of cement!)
44. What is your favorite color? Dark green, if I have to pick just one. But then there's pink! Pink, because I'm a girly-girl! And flamingos are pink - I love flamingos. I wish I had one. And an alpaca. But not a pink alpaca, a grey or black one.
45. How many tattoos do you have? At last count, three.
46. Favorite magazine? Rolling Stone.
1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:45 - mornings would be okay if they didn't start so damned early
2. How do you like your steak? Rare to medium rare
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? I'm not positive but I think it was Shrek II, which was my first date film with the fellow who's now my husband, so that was quite some time ago. I've tried to see a few flicks since then but the start times never worked with the other things that were going on.
4. What is your favorite TV show? Do NHL Playoffs count? Other than sports, I don't watch a lot of TV.
5. What did you have for breakfast? Diet Coke. I don't eat breakfast regularly, though I enjoy going out for it as a treat. It's not worth sacrificing valuable sleep time to plan, prepare, cook, eat and clean up something.
6. What is your middle name? Michelle
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Italian, if I have to pick one, but I like Mexican, Chinese, good ol' American too - depends on my mood.
8. What foods do you dislike? Entrails, anything resembling a tumor (such as cauliflower, many squashes), yams, collards - and I have a weird thing about onions: heartily enjoy them cooked in things, but hate them raw like in a salad or on top of a burger.
9. What is your favorite chips? To eat as a stand-alone snack, Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream. To eat with a sammich, plain regular flavoured Lay's.
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? flip-flopping between Incubus's Light Grenades and Muse's Black Holes And Revelations
11. What kind of car do you drive? Mostly a Chrysler Sebring convertible, but I have a Corvette and a Honda Rebel for spare. Don't tell my mom about the motorcycle.
12. What is your favorite sandwich? I make these when we have leftover London Broil: sliced broil, Swiss cheese and Dijon, grilled in butter until the bread is toasted and the cheese is lovely and melty...slurp...I'm also a big fan of the club sandwich.
13. What characteristics do you despise? Hypocrisy, intolerance, willful stupidity
14. What are your favorite clothes? Black capri pants with fancy cuffs (I have 4 different pairs) and matching tops - my favorite one is a lime-green boat-neck top with 3/4 sleeves
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Anywhere with a sandy beach and a lovely ocean. St. Croix, U.S.V.I., Turks & Caicos, dry Tortugas...not that I'd say no to Antigua or Aruba or St. Thomas, you understand.
16. Favorite brand of clothing? With one notable exception, I don't pay nearly as much attention to brand as to whether I like the item, but generally I like Vittadini and DKNY, Ralph can always be counted upon for quality and classic design, but if I'm honest, by sheer numbers more clothes in my closet are made by CCM than anybody (not Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, CCM makes hockey sweaters. I'm not joking, sadly). That one notable exception? SHOES. I am a shoe snob, maybe even a shoe ho - not to be confused with a shoe horn. I *heart* Salvatore Ferragamo, Manolo, Cole-Haan, Dolce & Gabbana (which come to think of it make pretty cool clothes too) and my newest crush, Jimmy Choo...Alan will attest to this:
"Those shoes cost more than my first car!"
"Yeah, but I'll get more mileage out of them and keep 'em longer."
"*heavy sigh* This closet? Piled three feet deep in shoes? It actually has a floor somewhere, right?"
"I believe so."
"Riiiiiight. Is it carpeted? What color?"
" - oh, look, Steve Jobs is on Tech TV giving away MacBookPros!" [runs to Phipps with credit cards while husband's back is turned]
17. Where would you want to retire? See question 15. Atlanta is fine, too.
18. Favorite time of day? Not a clock time, per se, but whenever in the evening that the stuff I had to do that night is done, I'm fresh and clean from my bath, and I snuggle deep into the feathertop on the comfy bed with a husband to my left, a kitty at my feet and a Shih-Tzu on the floor to the right...then I am happy and content and all is right with my world.
19. Where were you born? Cowshit, Georgia (40 miles east of Atlanta)
20. What is your favorite sport to watch? can't choose between Formula One auto racing and hockey
21. Pepsi or Coke? Please. I live in Atlanta, the city that Coke built.
22. Beavers or ducks? Is this some hidden sexual innuendo question I don't understand? Beavers. Ducks crap everywhere and make a big mess. Beavers are cute. Er, assuming it's not a sexual innuendo.
23. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Total, complete night owl. So much so, I'd make a vampire look like a morning person.
24. Pedicure or manicure? Oooh, yes please both! I do more pedis myself than professionally but it's a nice treat. My nails are more often done than not and my toes are always polished.
25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? As usual, my only exciting news involves people I know rather than me: last Friday little brother Bo finished the final hurdle, which was defending his dissertation, and is now officially DOCTOR Bo, woo-hoo! (Performance and composition in double-bass. I'm very most proud of him.)
26. What did you want to be when you were little? Bigger. Seriously - wasn't being little a time trial of waiting until you were old enough/big enough to do the things you wanted? At career day in elementary school I wanted to be a writer, which I am but I should have been more specific: a writer who got paid/made a living at it. For a long while I wanted to be a race car driver and I do that some weekends, but there again, not a bill-paying sort of gig. In fact, quite the bill-creating hobby.
27. What is your best childhood memory? Maybe it isn't 'childhood', but for me this is it: after a certain age, my granddad had blood pressure issues and his doctor told him that if he didn't want to take blood pressure medicine, which he didn't (disliked the side effects), he could keep his blood pressure down by taking a glass of wine a day. Lifelong teetotalers, he and my grandmother started getting interested in wines, vintages, etc. and this turned into a huge hobby for my grandfather, who started making his own wine out of various fruits: peaches, plums, muscadines, blackberries, wild cherries, sometimes blending these with grapes, making mulled wine, spiced wine, all sorts of lovely concoctions. So, the memory: the summer after I'd started college he woke me up at some ridiculous hour like 5:30AM because the wild cherries were at their peak. Nobody else was up or around as we went all over the farm in his truck picking wild cherries. At one point we broke a huge branch off an oak tree, trying to get the cherries from the vine entangling it, and he ran and hid behind his pickup, yelling for me to duck so his daughter-in-law wouldn't see that we'd broken her oak tree. I don't think she was even awake yet or that she'd have cared, but my granddad and I were in stealth mode, sneaking around his truck hiding from the Invisible Auntie Threat as we harvested wild cherries. We laughed so much that day. We picked some plums too, pretending to hide from my grandmother, because at that point we were attacking her tree, and a few hours later we had those plums for breakfast with her fresh-baked biscuits. Oh, and it was the BEST red wine, too, dry, lovely claret colour and the most wonderful cherry aroma, when he decanted it the next year.
28. Piercing? Ears.
29. Ever been to Africa? No.
30. Ever been toilet papering? Yes.
31. Been in a car accident? Yes, but never anything serious and nothing that was my fault.
32. Favorite day of the week? Saturday.
33. Restaurant? Imperial Fez, Michaelangelo, Highland Tap. And for an anytime treat, Olive Garden. Da O.G. rocks!
34. Favorite Flower? Cape Jasmine.
35. Favorite ice cream? Godiva's white chocolate raspberry.
36. Favorite fast food restaurant? McFood. I'm a traditionalist.
37. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Once. I suck at the parallel parking. Which is totally unfair because parallel parking has absolutely ZERO relevance to real life, someone will always move and let you park in the normal space where they were if you ask them nicely, or if you threaten them with a loaded Glock...oh wait, I've said too much...
38. From whom did you get your last email? Heather (a/k/a Kvitsh)
39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Actual store: Borders; virtual store: Amazon
40. Bedtime? Around 11:00 (reluctantly) but it varies quite a bit.
41. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? Whomever
42. Last person you went out to dinner with? The beloved husband. We went to Longhorn for a nice juicy steak.
43. What are you listening to right now? The Red Wings/Sharks game. Bill Clement is doing some analysis. (Clement, Clement, hands of cement!)
44. What is your favorite color? Dark green, if I have to pick just one. But then there's pink! Pink, because I'm a girly-girl! And flamingos are pink - I love flamingos. I wish I had one. And an alpaca. But not a pink alpaca, a grey or black one.
45. How many tattoos do you have? At last count, three.
46. Favorite magazine? Rolling Stone.
All that stuck in my head was Rolling Stone, so I'm going with it. Does Alan like tech-related magazines. I say related because it's not about code, but about stuff online. Business 2.0 is a fabulous magazine. I love it almost more than anything. I've probably said this before, but my memory is just shot.
Bo, if you read this, I'm proud of you too. I barely know you, but I have fond memories of our first (and, uh, second to last) email exchange almost two years ago. Way before you were a doctor. When you were just a dweeby Master's kind of guy. Anyway, congrats. I know you worked hard, because you refused to play fantasy baseball with us because of it. Sure, you were partially using that as an excuse, but I accepted it anyway. Next hockey season though, I'll be ready to play fantasy again.
Hey, when my message board people decide on our 2009 gathering, which will be somewhere tropical, do you think you guys might want to come? I can promise a good time. We had 13 people show up last week, which is amazing. But, I'd like you and Nancy (and your husbands, if they'd like) to come with us next time. We devote lots of time and money to food. :) We were going to take one of them to a hockey game, but the Wranglers choked, and were eliminated in Idaho in Game 6. Game 7 would've been at home on Monday, and we were exhausted, but we would've gone. Ack, 2009 is so far away - start planning your Vegas vacation. We need to talk where we don't have to type.
Anonymous, at 2:47 AM
Alan reads Linux Journal and some sort of 1337 hacker mag. I'll mention Business 2.0 to him.
Of course we'd WANT to come - we wanted to come to this one - and we will try. It all depends on what else is going on in our lives, and by "what else" I mean "what horrible disaster has befallen us". I devoutly hope that we'll get back to Vegas before 2009, however.
Helly, at 8:10 AM
"Beavers are cute. Er, assuming it's not a sexual innuendo."
I think even as a sexual innuendo, beavers are cute.h
Anonymous, at 7:41 PM
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