A Dad Update
Thanks to everyone who's asked about my dad; I appreciate your concern. Unfortunately, my dad is not doing well at all.
Last week, the doctors decided to run some tests and scans to see how his tumor was responding to the drug (Sutent). They found that while some portions of the tumor had shrunk 'appreciably', others had not changed at all. It was decided to keep him on the Sutent but to add a course of localized radiation four days per week. It was also noted that he'd lost another pound. My dad has never been a large man, never even got that 'spare tyre' that often comes with middle age. He is six feet tall and down to 135 lbs.
So since Tuesdays are his regular oncology appointment, this afternoon I called to see how it went. It didn't, my mom reports, because Daddy's been throwing up a lot lately (!) and threw up twice en route to the appointment. They decided to turn back and cancel. The radiologist says that he has not been on radiation long enough to suffer nausea as a side effect; the oncologist concurs and the verdict is that the nausea is being caused by him taking his pills on an empty stomach (he's on a number of drugs besides Sutent). I wonder why he's taking pills on an empty stomach if they're to be taken with food and Mom reports that he's not eating. He says he isn't hungry and lets it go at that.
For some time now, at Lisa's suggestion he's been making milkshakes of his Ensure/Boost-type protein drinks. Then early last week they went by GNC and bought this powdered protein stuff for him to make into milkshakes. I asked about that and Mom reports that while he's MAKING them, he's more often leaving them sitting in the fridge than actually DRINKING them.
She's cooking food, asking him what he'd like, leaving microwave stuff for snacks and meals in case he gets hungry and she's not there, but he either does not eat, claiming that he isn't hungry, or eats only a few bites. Oh, but he's drinking lots and lots of bottled water, oh yay.
I understand that he isn't hungry and that his appetite isn't there, but for the love of all that's holy, why won't he eat a little something of anything at pill time?!? How can he not understand the importance of nutrition under these circumstances?!? Does he not understand that his life depends on this?!? Or does he understand, and not care?!?
I am upset and having a very hard time dealing with this. I simply cannot understand this sort of apathy when one's life is at stake.
Thanks to everyone who's asked about my dad; I appreciate your concern. Unfortunately, my dad is not doing well at all.
Last week, the doctors decided to run some tests and scans to see how his tumor was responding to the drug (Sutent). They found that while some portions of the tumor had shrunk 'appreciably', others had not changed at all. It was decided to keep him on the Sutent but to add a course of localized radiation four days per week. It was also noted that he'd lost another pound. My dad has never been a large man, never even got that 'spare tyre' that often comes with middle age. He is six feet tall and down to 135 lbs.
So since Tuesdays are his regular oncology appointment, this afternoon I called to see how it went. It didn't, my mom reports, because Daddy's been throwing up a lot lately (!) and threw up twice en route to the appointment. They decided to turn back and cancel. The radiologist says that he has not been on radiation long enough to suffer nausea as a side effect; the oncologist concurs and the verdict is that the nausea is being caused by him taking his pills on an empty stomach (he's on a number of drugs besides Sutent). I wonder why he's taking pills on an empty stomach if they're to be taken with food and Mom reports that he's not eating. He says he isn't hungry and lets it go at that.
For some time now, at Lisa's suggestion he's been making milkshakes of his Ensure/Boost-type protein drinks. Then early last week they went by GNC and bought this powdered protein stuff for him to make into milkshakes. I asked about that and Mom reports that while he's MAKING them, he's more often leaving them sitting in the fridge than actually DRINKING them.
She's cooking food, asking him what he'd like, leaving microwave stuff for snacks and meals in case he gets hungry and she's not there, but he either does not eat, claiming that he isn't hungry, or eats only a few bites. Oh, but he's drinking lots and lots of bottled water, oh yay.
I understand that he isn't hungry and that his appetite isn't there, but for the love of all that's holy, why won't he eat a little something of anything at pill time?!? How can he not understand the importance of nutrition under these circumstances?!? Does he not understand that his life depends on this?!? Or does he understand, and not care?!?
I am upset and having a very hard time dealing with this. I simply cannot understand this sort of apathy when one's life is at stake.
well... i for one am hoping for the best.
keep telling your story!
jsm, at 1:52 AM
It's time for him to smoke some pot. While I know that people of his generation might not want to, tell him to do it for you. It should help him get some of his appetite back. He doesn't even have to smoke it, there are vaporizers now, and recipes for food w/ pot in it if someone wants to cook with it. Although, that might be putting the cart before the horse. Get him a cute little pipe and a little baggie of something. Sit him down in front of his favorite mindless tv and get him stoned...and then offer him snacks & his meds. I'm completely serious.
I had this conversation with my mom once. She had horrible migraines and I asked if she would be willing to try to pot to see if it might help, because it certainly couldn't hurt. She said that she would. It never came to that because with menopause, her migraines mostly disappeared. Her life wasn't at stake, so your dad has an even better reason for smoking a bit. It's documented all over the internet that it works, so ask him to do it for his wife & kids. There's a woman who posts on my blog who has cancer. She lives in Canada, which might explain something when I tell you that she said that her doctor suggested that she try medical marijuana while she was having chemo. She said it worked really well for her.
So, I want your dad lightin' something up soon. It has the bonus of helping with nausea too. A little herb that fixes both nausea and a loss of appetite...sounds great, Flippy!
As you can tell, I also don't understand the apathy, and if he doesn't smoke some pot for you guys, I'm going to be all sorts of pissed off and I'm going to send him...hmmm, nasty letters would be rude. I was taught to respect my elders. I'm going to send him kittens. Kittens with sharp little nails, who like to climb bare legs. Flippy is not to be defied.
Anonymous, at 5:12 AM
Thanks, Joe!
Flippy, the idea of my dad struggling under a horde of kittens made me laugh. Thing is, I can't imagine him bothering to make the request, follow up, jump through all the hoops involved in obtaining a medical marijuana prescription when he won't even bother to ingest half a sandwich.
Helly, at 11:42 AM
I think Flippy's suggestion is great - one solution for two problems. What about the, uh, non-prescription kind? (I mean, your brother is a musician. . .)
Anonymous Me, at 5:40 PM
I will second or third that suggestion! Anything is worth trying that might induce interest in eating. Y'all might bond in a whole new way :)
Loss of appetite and depressed mood related to health problems is certainly a tough cycle to face: you don't want to eat because you don't feel good, and you have no energy and don't feel good because of not eating. I feel certain that the combinations of meds likely have caused a change in his ability to taste food in the same way as well.
I might try brainstorming with your dad about ANY kinds of food that he likes - if there is any remote interest - try it! If he thinks that Chinese sounds okay - get some, if a hot fudge sundae might be better - try that. Liquids of any kind are better than nothing at all - for hydration at the very least. Gatorade makes 'Gatorade endurance' (orange and lemonlime) - which has double the electrolytes, etc. (I get it at Publix) and therefore you can drink less but still benefit from it.
hang in there - thinking of you :)
Anonymous, at 7:32 PM
Thanks, Lisa.
Nancy, he's bucking the musician stereotype here but I don't think my brother has EVER smoked pot. Seriously.
Helly, at 7:58 PM
Helly, I am not talking about the legal kind - few people have the time to wait to get approved for it. It's not like your dad is at work getting drug tested. Get him some pot (and I am so taking away Bo's cool musician cred - no pot, no way!) and sit down with him and share a joint or pipe load. Rent a funny movie, get some snacks, have a good time. Geez, and if I have to fly out there and do it myself, I will. If my good deed has to include smoking pot, so be it. I will suffer being stoned for you.
Anonymous, at 8:44 PM
Flippy, you just may have to make that sacrifice! I don't smoke pot either. We're a drug-free workplace and since it was my idea to make us a drug-free workplace (and get the HUGE insurance discount) I kinda have to go along with it.
Helly, at 9:00 PM
P.S. I'm not judgemental about anyone who does, however. To each his own!
Helly, at 9:04 PM
It's okay, I don't worry about being judged. Other people drink, I like pot, even though I haven't had any in a long time because I had to be prepared for a pre-employment drug test. Personally, I think alcohol & cigarettes should be banned and pot legalized, but no one asks me.
Nonetheless, you must have some friends who can get some. If you're out there reading this, Helly's pot smokin' friends, send her an email and get some for her dad.
Anonymous, at 10:04 PM
I'm so sorry to hear your dad is not doing well and even more mystified as to why he is reacting the way he is unless perhaps he is depressed. I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV but I've seen this reaction in others when they are diagnosed with a life-threatening disease. They were lucky enough to work through the depression and get back on track but for some it took some time.
Thinking of you.
basil, at 6:40 AM
Ugh, Helly, I'm so sorry about your dad. Basil may have a point!
Topcat, at 9:17 AM
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