Burnin' down the house!
Monday after the flooring contractors left, I decided to cook a nice dinner (chicken, pasta and mushrooms in sun-dried tomato Alfredo sauce) so I pulled out ingredients and necessary pans. It was too early to get an ETA from Alan so I was going about my preparations in a desultory manner. I'd dice a shallot, rake it into the saucepan*, then go check my e-mail. I'd mince a couple cloves of garlic, then go watch a few minutes of television. Chop some flat-leaf parsley, then go back to the couch, read a few pages in my book, return and chop a few mushrooms. Repeat.
*I digress from my fiery narrative to mention that the saucepan in question is a large Calphalon covered sautee pan which was a bridal shower gift from Nancy's mother. I thanked her for it at the time and followed up with a thank-you note, 'cause that's what one does, but if I had known how much I would use and love to cook with that pan, to the point that it gets washed and re-used several times within a 48-hour period, I'd have been far more effusive. I use that pan for EVERYTHING.
So anyway, I was chopping everything in a kind of disjointed way and tossing stuff either into the pan or the Big Bowl Of Items To Be Added Later or the Magic Bowl Of Fresh Herbs To Be Added Later Still, instead of starting the shallots, onion and garlic in olive oil while I chopped the other things in phases like I normally do. It was because of this, and a particularly interesting bit on ESPN about that evening's upcoming Red Wings/Sharks game, that I sort of lost track of what I was doing and when I finally went into the kitchen to really start cooking, I just turned on the burner. I completely spaced and forgot that I'd only set out the pan to throw ingredients inside; I hadn't removed the decorative burner cover.
I returned to the den and ESPN and after a while, I thought, "Gee...I can't even smell the shallots and garlic. Is it THAT bad of an allergy day?" and I looked over into the kitchen to see if I'd turned the burner on. I saw a tiny spire of white smoke so I thought it was okay. A few minutes after that, it occurred to me that it was really weird that I couldn't smell anything cooking and I headed to the kitchen, wondering in dread if I'd turned on the wrong burner and fried a burner cover. No, I'd turned on the correct burner, just hadn't bothered to remove the cover from it!
The burner cover was smoking away, and made a big metallic BWANG! sound when I took it to the sink and hit it with cold water. Here is a photo.
But you know the worst part? This isn't the first time I've done this. The first time was even less my fault, but Alan just arrived home and we need to run some errands, so - the FIRST burnin' down the house adventure will have to wait.
Monday after the flooring contractors left, I decided to cook a nice dinner (chicken, pasta and mushrooms in sun-dried tomato Alfredo sauce) so I pulled out ingredients and necessary pans. It was too early to get an ETA from Alan so I was going about my preparations in a desultory manner. I'd dice a shallot, rake it into the saucepan*, then go check my e-mail. I'd mince a couple cloves of garlic, then go watch a few minutes of television. Chop some flat-leaf parsley, then go back to the couch, read a few pages in my book, return and chop a few mushrooms. Repeat.
*I digress from my fiery narrative to mention that the saucepan in question is a large Calphalon covered sautee pan which was a bridal shower gift from Nancy's mother. I thanked her for it at the time and followed up with a thank-you note, 'cause that's what one does, but if I had known how much I would use and love to cook with that pan, to the point that it gets washed and re-used several times within a 48-hour period, I'd have been far more effusive. I use that pan for EVERYTHING.
So anyway, I was chopping everything in a kind of disjointed way and tossing stuff either into the pan or the Big Bowl Of Items To Be Added Later or the Magic Bowl Of Fresh Herbs To Be Added Later Still, instead of starting the shallots, onion and garlic in olive oil while I chopped the other things in phases like I normally do. It was because of this, and a particularly interesting bit on ESPN about that evening's upcoming Red Wings/Sharks game, that I sort of lost track of what I was doing and when I finally went into the kitchen to really start cooking, I just turned on the burner. I completely spaced and forgot that I'd only set out the pan to throw ingredients inside; I hadn't removed the decorative burner cover.
I returned to the den and ESPN and after a while, I thought, "Gee...I can't even smell the shallots and garlic. Is it THAT bad of an allergy day?" and I looked over into the kitchen to see if I'd turned the burner on. I saw a tiny spire of white smoke so I thought it was okay. A few minutes after that, it occurred to me that it was really weird that I couldn't smell anything cooking and I headed to the kitchen, wondering in dread if I'd turned on the wrong burner and fried a burner cover. No, I'd turned on the correct burner, just hadn't bothered to remove the cover from it!
The burner cover was smoking away, and made a big metallic BWANG! sound when I took it to the sink and hit it with cold water. Here is a photo.
But you know the worst part? This isn't the first time I've done this. The first time was even less my fault, but Alan just arrived home and we need to run some errands, so - the FIRST burnin' down the house adventure will have to wait.
That's why I was never allowed to have burner covers.
I'm glad you didn't really burn down your house!
I copied your italicized paragraph into an email for my mom to read - it will make her very happy. :-)
Anonymous Me, at 7:12 PM
I think I can see the Virgin Mary in the burned spots. I think you should sell it on eBay.
I, too, am glad you didn't burn down the house. Although, once again, you've made me hungry.
Anonymous, at 8:21 PM
Nancy, that's cool! I think of your mom's kindness and generosity every time I use that pan, honestly I do. It was a great gift, but it was great hanging out/talking to her at the shower too. I *heart* your mom.
Flippy, great minds and all that, but what I was doing when Alan came home and interrupted me for errands was outlining in pink marker how one burned splotch was the Virgin Mary and how the OTHER was Elvis, thus doubling my eBay potential when I sell the scorched burner. I'm not kidding, I was really hard at work on that and it was to be a follow-up entry.
I love you girls.
Helly, at 8:42 PM
The burner cover is a foreign concept to me. I can already picture the convoy of fire trucks with the sirens wailing . . .
A Margarita, at 9:47 AM
Oh, but burner covers are totally necessary in life! Just like decorative soaps and those tiny holiday hand towels that no one is supposed to use... :-)
Helly, at 11:12 AM
Oh my gosh, I always use other people's decoratove soaps and holiday hand towels!
Anonymous Me, at 7:09 PM
Everyone's been saying that behind your back for YEARS.
Helly, at 8:11 PM
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