Nobody has problems like mine. Oh, I know everyone has problems and some people's difficulties are far worse, but nobody has problems LIKE mine. Wait until you hear about my adventures yesterday. I’m sure there are millions of people who check their mail every single day without incident, but not this girl.
Mailboxes for the whole office complex are located in the basement of one of the buildings. The mail is still being sorted when I arrive to start the workday so I usually go down to get our mail mid-morning, at any random time when I have a good stopping point between tasks. Yesterday, I unwisely chose 11:20 AM to leave my office, exit my building and head to Building 2 for the mail.
Imagine my surprise when, minutes later, I attempt to re-enter my building only to find the security grate (like they have in front of stores at the mall) blocking the mezzanine where I usually enter. Undeterred, I go down one floor to street level, around the side and try to get in that way. All the doors to my building are locked.
I re-enter Building 2 and go upstairs to the seventh floor, because the seventh floors have pedestrian tunnels between the buildings. The tunnel doors are always locked, but if you have an Extra Special Official Ultra-Responsible Badge, which I do, you can swipe the badge like a key and locked doors magically open. Except it didn’t.
I go back downstairs to my building and consult Wanda, Friendly Security Guard, who cracks open a door just enough to tell me there has been a “nonspecific security breach” and my building is under security lockdown.
I call The Boss on my cell phone to tell him I’m locked out of the office. He asks me things like when I’ll be back, how long is this unacceptable state of affairs going to last, will I be able to do XYZ today or not - like I know. At nearly TWO PM, almost 2.5 hours later, we are finally allowed back inside. I consulted both security guards and a couple of building personnel, but all they will say is that it was a false alarm resulting from a non-specific security breach.
Does this sort of thing happen to anyone but me? Do others check their mail to find that the only result is, well, mail?
Yeah, that’s what I figured.
Mailboxes for the whole office complex are located in the basement of one of the buildings. The mail is still being sorted when I arrive to start the workday so I usually go down to get our mail mid-morning, at any random time when I have a good stopping point between tasks. Yesterday, I unwisely chose 11:20 AM to leave my office, exit my building and head to Building 2 for the mail.
Imagine my surprise when, minutes later, I attempt to re-enter my building only to find the security grate (like they have in front of stores at the mall) blocking the mezzanine where I usually enter. Undeterred, I go down one floor to street level, around the side and try to get in that way. All the doors to my building are locked.
I re-enter Building 2 and go upstairs to the seventh floor, because the seventh floors have pedestrian tunnels between the buildings. The tunnel doors are always locked, but if you have an Extra Special Official Ultra-Responsible Badge, which I do, you can swipe the badge like a key and locked doors magically open. Except it didn’t.
I go back downstairs to my building and consult Wanda, Friendly Security Guard, who cracks open a door just enough to tell me there has been a “nonspecific security breach” and my building is under security lockdown.
I call The Boss on my cell phone to tell him I’m locked out of the office. He asks me things like when I’ll be back, how long is this unacceptable state of affairs going to last, will I be able to do XYZ today or not - like I know. At nearly TWO PM, almost 2.5 hours later, we are finally allowed back inside. I consulted both security guards and a couple of building personnel, but all they will say is that it was a false alarm resulting from a non-specific security breach.
Does this sort of thing happen to anyone but me? Do others check their mail to find that the only result is, well, mail?
Yeah, that’s what I figured.
Sometimes I feel the same way, although not with mail. Murphy's law, you know?
Kristal, at 9:56 AM
i worked for a large healthcare company. one day there was a fire alarm. i finished what i was doing, shut down my computer, peed (oh for the days of the thoughtless pee...), got a mofo drink and headed outside with the other meandering souls.
there was a frickin bomb in the bathroom.
when the place is locked down, get out of the area. people are bananas.
nita, at 6:13 AM
Gotta love your boss for being sympathetic... The day of the 9-11 tragedy, we were told to leave our building in Chicago because they thought it might also be a target. As everyone is turning off and start leaving their office, my boss just kept dictating and kept me typing.... I finally told him, we had to all evacuate the building to which I don't know if he did, I got my stuff and left. They were a lot of people the surrounding office buildings...! I'm here through Kristal.
MGC, at 10:43 AM
Hi, Gris! Thanks for stopping by! I read your blog too, through KristyK.
Helly, at 11:26 AM
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