Our wedding party is set! Actually it was set a few days ago but I haven't blogged...
When we were first "officially" engaged, I mentally determined how I wanted certain things. Several weeks later, it occurred to me that it might be good to share these ideas with the people involved, since I hadn't actually bothered to ask Cheryl to be my Maid of Honor, Nancy to be my Matron of Honor, Idere to do my photography and Vera Wang to design my dress. Eventually I got round to asking them and this is what they said:
Cheryl: Why of course I will!
Nancy: I'd be honored.
Idere: If that's what you want, that's what you got.
Vera: Who ARE you???
Once I had my two attendants determined, Alan had to get two groomsmen. He asked his best friend Mark (Nancy's husband) to be Best Man, which was kinda cool because it brought things full circle, as Alan had been Best Man at their wedding several years ago. Then we had a conversation about Groomsman #2:
Alan: If you're having two bridesmaids, I need someone else.
Me: Yeah. I kinda have an idea, but I want you to decide. I don't want to dictate your groomsmen.
Alan: Who, Bo? [my brother]
Me: Well, I'm sure Bo will be happy to do it if you want him to, but no, that's not who I was thinking.
Alan: Who, then?
Me: Who's your best friend?
Alan: Mark.
Me: Besides Mark, who's your best friend?
Alan: Lachele.
Me: There you go.
Alan: [pause] Oh my god, that's PERFECT!
This was almost two months ago but it didn't seem like the sort of thing to ask Lachele in an e-mail or over the phone, and it took a while to hook up with her. We had lunch last Tuesday and Alan asked her then. She said yes, which I'd really hoped she would. I didn't think Lachele, of all people, would have an issue about breaking a gender tradition, but then you never know. So if you come to my wedding and notice that Alan's groomsman is a groomslady, now you know why. She's going to wear a tux, too - whee!
As for Vera, to hell with her. I'll get Carolina Herrera to do my dress - SHE remembers who I am. It's hard to forget someone you've been in county lockup with - but that's another story.
When we were first "officially" engaged, I mentally determined how I wanted certain things. Several weeks later, it occurred to me that it might be good to share these ideas with the people involved, since I hadn't actually bothered to ask Cheryl to be my Maid of Honor, Nancy to be my Matron of Honor, Idere to do my photography and Vera Wang to design my dress. Eventually I got round to asking them and this is what they said:
Cheryl: Why of course I will!
Nancy: I'd be honored.
Idere: If that's what you want, that's what you got.
Vera: Who ARE you???
Once I had my two attendants determined, Alan had to get two groomsmen. He asked his best friend Mark (Nancy's husband) to be Best Man, which was kinda cool because it brought things full circle, as Alan had been Best Man at their wedding several years ago. Then we had a conversation about Groomsman #2:
Alan: If you're having two bridesmaids, I need someone else.
Me: Yeah. I kinda have an idea, but I want you to decide. I don't want to dictate your groomsmen.
Alan: Who, Bo? [my brother]
Me: Well, I'm sure Bo will be happy to do it if you want him to, but no, that's not who I was thinking.
Alan: Who, then?
Me: Who's your best friend?
Alan: Mark.
Me: Besides Mark, who's your best friend?
Alan: Lachele.
Me: There you go.
Alan: [pause] Oh my god, that's PERFECT!
This was almost two months ago but it didn't seem like the sort of thing to ask Lachele in an e-mail or over the phone, and it took a while to hook up with her. We had lunch last Tuesday and Alan asked her then. She said yes, which I'd really hoped she would. I didn't think Lachele, of all people, would have an issue about breaking a gender tradition, but then you never know. So if you come to my wedding and notice that Alan's groomsman is a groomslady, now you know why. She's going to wear a tux, too - whee!
As for Vera, to hell with her. I'll get Carolina Herrera to do my dress - SHE remembers who I am. It's hard to forget someone you've been in county lockup with - but that's another story.
Can I be a cyber bridesmaid? All of the glory...and none of the dress.
Anonymous, at 5:32 PM
Too cool! i love it!
Anonymous Me, at 7:38 PM
K'vitsh & Nancy - I know, ain't it great?!?
Flippy, you can be a cyber-bridesmaid if you'll prettypleasewithsugarontop set up a webcam so we can see you wearing one of those hideous butt-bow dresses. But it can be Maple Leaf Blue! C'mon, say you will!
Helly, at 9:23 PM
i think it's 'groomsbroad', technically...
*i* have been a bridesmaid 7 stinking times and not one single rotten overly expensive dress was pretty. can you stand it?
one wedding the bride told all the girls to wear and dress made from champagne colored silk. another bride did the same with black. black! i have like 70 fun black dresses! sadly, i was in neither of these weddings having launched RIGHT into my 'congrats and pleeeease don't ask me to be a bridesmaid and i'll give you a really big cash present AND booze...' speech.
nita, at 4:39 AM
No, Helly, the point of being a cyber-bridesmaid is so I don't have to buy/wear the dress. Two bridesmaid dresses (and dyed shoes) were enough in one lifetime. If I'm gonna wear a butt bow, then that's all I'm wearing. I'll also be charging for the webcam feed.
Anonymous, at 12:55 PM
"If I'm gonna wear a butt bow, then that's all I'm wearing."
You say that like it's a BAD thing.
Helly, at 2:04 PM
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