I was tagged for a meme by Flippy via Leigh-Ann. This one requires me to list five weird things about myself. I found this rather difficult. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not being pompous and writing how perfect and non-weird I am, not at all - it was difficult because I’m so used to my own eccentricities that it was tough to decide what others might find “weird”. But here’s my attempt:
“5 Weird Things About Me”
1. I have an extreme desire (compulsion?) for things to be arranged alphabetically - not only the standard things like CDs and DVDs, but perfumes on my bathroom shelf and the stuff in the refrigerator door. Here is photographic proof, if you’ve never been privileged enough to see my refrigerator personally. It bugs the crap out of me if someone ‘misfiles’ my condiments, too.
2. Whenever I eat candy that comes in assorted colors, like Smarties or SweeTarts, I don’t eat them one at a time from the roll. I dump them out onto my desk or table and sort them by color - all pinks together, all purples together, etc. Then I eat each flavor, one by one. I also do this when the different colors have no flavor significance, like with M&Ms.
3. No matter how warm it is, I cannot sleep if my shoulder is uncovered. Other parts in greater or lesser degree can stick out from underneath the covers, but my shoulder has to be under the sheet and blanket(s). I sleep on my side, usually making a fist holding the covers and tucking it under my chin, to ensure that the non-mattress-side shoulder stays covered while I sleep - if I don’t, it wakes me up and I can’t fall back asleep until my shoulder is properly sheltered.
4. I have an extreme phobia of injections/needles, far beyond the mere fear of getting shots or giving blood myself. I can’t stand to watch it happen even on television or in movies. It doesn’t have to be in an upsetting context, like a junkie shooting up - it can be in a medical context like on “ER”. I can’t look, it grosses me out SO. BAD. (On the other hand, I can watch hours of bloody, gory, horror and slaughter films without even slowing down the nacho consumption.)
5. While I quite like onions when cooked in things such as soups, spaghetti sauces or stir-fry, I despise them raw. I’ll pick raw onions out of salads, off of burgers or sandwiches. Maybe it’s the texture of the raw onion that induces the gag factor - maybe not, but whatever the reason, I find raw onions loathsome.
For this meme, I’m tagging...hmm, K’vitsh, KristyK, Nita, Sandy and Lachele - but if you hate memes, please to consider yourself untagged. Conversely, if you're reading and like memes, consider yourself tagged.
“5 Weird Things About Me”
1. I have an extreme desire (compulsion?) for things to be arranged alphabetically - not only the standard things like CDs and DVDs, but perfumes on my bathroom shelf and the stuff in the refrigerator door. Here is photographic proof, if you’ve never been privileged enough to see my refrigerator personally. It bugs the crap out of me if someone ‘misfiles’ my condiments, too.
2. Whenever I eat candy that comes in assorted colors, like Smarties or SweeTarts, I don’t eat them one at a time from the roll. I dump them out onto my desk or table and sort them by color - all pinks together, all purples together, etc. Then I eat each flavor, one by one. I also do this when the different colors have no flavor significance, like with M&Ms.
3. No matter how warm it is, I cannot sleep if my shoulder is uncovered. Other parts in greater or lesser degree can stick out from underneath the covers, but my shoulder has to be under the sheet and blanket(s). I sleep on my side, usually making a fist holding the covers and tucking it under my chin, to ensure that the non-mattress-side shoulder stays covered while I sleep - if I don’t, it wakes me up and I can’t fall back asleep until my shoulder is properly sheltered.
4. I have an extreme phobia of injections/needles, far beyond the mere fear of getting shots or giving blood myself. I can’t stand to watch it happen even on television or in movies. It doesn’t have to be in an upsetting context, like a junkie shooting up - it can be in a medical context like on “ER”. I can’t look, it grosses me out SO. BAD. (On the other hand, I can watch hours of bloody, gory, horror and slaughter films without even slowing down the nacho consumption.)
5. While I quite like onions when cooked in things such as soups, spaghetti sauces or stir-fry, I despise them raw. I’ll pick raw onions out of salads, off of burgers or sandwiches. Maybe it’s the texture of the raw onion that induces the gag factor - maybe not, but whatever the reason, I find raw onions loathsome.
For this meme, I’m tagging...hmm, K’vitsh, KristyK, Nita, Sandy and Lachele - but if you hate memes, please to consider yourself untagged. Conversely, if you're reading and like memes, consider yourself tagged.
I think that's kind of cute about sorting M&Ms by color.
Anonymous Me, at 8:42 PM
This was harder than I thought it would be! But I did it.
Kristal, at 12:20 AM
Nancy - great! I'll take "cute" over "obsessive compulsive" any day!
Kristy - I know what you mean! I thought the hard part would be narrowing it down to five!
Helly, at 9:24 AM
1. I get, relatively speaking, very little exposure to popular culture. From the looks I get when I have to ask who some big celebrity is, this must make me weird.
2. Given the slightest provocation, I will happily spend -hours- fiddling with graphs of equations until I get them to perfectly trace out some arbitrary shape. Note that there is absolutely no economic, social, political, artistic, scientific or, for that matter, mathematical value to doing this.
3. Many medical professionals who have occasion to look in my throat think at first that I don't have any tonsils. They ask me when I had them taken out. I say I didn't. They look again and say "oh, there they are." I guess they're really small or hidden or something.
4. I rarely like sweet drinks. I drink them mostly if I (a) need calories or (b) want something dessert-like. Diet drinks puzzle me -- if you could take all the sugar out, why on earth would you put back in a sad, bitter-edged replacement that tastes even worse? Here in the Land of Sweet Tea, this viewpoint amounts to heresy.
5. I have a VAXstation 3200.
Anonymous, at 12:33 AM
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