I told you guys my hockey triumph would be short-lived. I'm now in last place. But I'm only one-half a point behind Flippy and a point behind Bo, so it's a heated competition. I'm happy I'm hanging with them, to be honest. This is my first attempt at fantasy sports and I felt less confident about hockey than I would have about football, so even though it's quite early in the season, I'm pleased with my team's performance thus far.
Last night was Halloween or Samhain, as you prefer. Alan and I celebrated with a trip to Publix. I KNOW! It's not fair to write about adventures like that which only serve to incite envy. We never have any trick-or-treaters anyway, so it's not like we missed anything. My subdivision is almost all older people whose children are long grown and gone. The crazy lady across the street has a grandrat that visits, but she keeps a string tied around it so it doesn't leave the yard. (I'm not kidding.)
Don't forget to pick a date for my Big Blog Contest (see below)! I usually give Amazon gift certificates in decently substantial amounts although I'm willing to vary the prize to suit the winner. Like if Maria wins, she is SOOOO getting an air pump! :-)
Last night was Halloween or Samhain, as you prefer. Alan and I celebrated with a trip to Publix. I KNOW! It's not fair to write about adventures like that which only serve to incite envy. We never have any trick-or-treaters anyway, so it's not like we missed anything. My subdivision is almost all older people whose children are long grown and gone. The crazy lady across the street has a grandrat that visits, but she keeps a string tied around it so it doesn't leave the yard. (I'm not kidding.)
Don't forget to pick a date for my Big Blog Contest (see below)! I usually give Amazon gift certificates in decently substantial amounts although I'm willing to vary the prize to suit the winner. Like if Maria wins, she is SOOOO getting an air pump! :-)
Oooo, an air pump!!
(December 8, December 8, December 8 *walks away reciting this like a mantra*)
maria, at 11:41 AM
Hey, this is only the second hockey season I have *ever* watched. So, you're playing against a total beginner, baby.
Did you take off work today? It's Tie's birthday. An international holiday, right?
Anonymous, at 11:56 AM
K'vitsh: Publix is a grocery store chain. Clean and nice, wide aisles and friendly people.
Ha ha, Maria!
Flippy: I have sinned. I ignored the High Holy Day. Ignorance is no excuse, I know. I promise to do penance.
Helly, at 12:22 PM
I pick November 28.
WOW! Samhain one day/night, Tie's birthday the next....are we SET or what?!?
Anonymous, at 2:57 PM
Just so'se you know, hockey lovin' doesn't rub off, even when you live with a Canadian. I resisted for at least six years. I was an avowed hockey hater. Until, HNIC...then I converted.
Oh, and I am SO going to win this contest...if I have to fly down there myself and clean up that yard.
Anonymous, at 5:14 PM
April 16
Anonymous, at 10:32 PM
Hi. You have a great blog here.
I am going to guess January 12.
Kristal, at 1:08 AM
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