The Hellhole

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Yawn...a long weekend gives me just enough time to get my sleep patterns completely turned around. Friday I didn’t do anything because I’d been rousted from bed at the unholy hour of SIX AM by the World’s Greatest Boss, beseeching me to forego morning prep and proper attire to come in right away, as he’d decided a mere four and one-half hours before his meeting with the GOVERNOR that he needed five presentations composed, prepared and bound. It is a testament to how much I love that man that he is still alive. Yes, his presentations were done in time and looked pretty spiffy, if I do say so myself.

Saturday, I had a date and, as it was an all-important First Date, I spent lots of extra time fussing with my hair and doing my makeup instead of my usual method of ‘slap, dash and hope for the best’. The results were incredible: I looked exactly the same. We went to dinner and then saw Shrek 2, which was quite entertaining and very funny. I highly recommend it. I want to see it again, because I know there were many things I missed the first time through. For example, Princess Fiona’s home town has stores called “Versarchery” and “Old Knavery” but I’m sure there were others I didn’t catch.

Sunday I went to the rents for a cookout. They grilled pork cutlets for themselves, but since swine is not my favorite thing, Dad cooked chicken breasts for me. I wanted to eat outside on their porch but my allergies were starting to flare up so we had to eat inside - boo hiss. Yesterday I had to buy The Finn a new automatic litterbox. I bet all you old married people really envy my swingin’ single lifestyle - hanging out with the parents, purchasing receptacles for feces - does the fun NEVER stop?!?



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