The Hellhole

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

I have been horrifically busy with work for the last few days but here are a few quick items. Last night I went to Border’s to hear David Sedaris reading portions of his new book. He’s fairly funny; I’m not as enthralled with him as Nancy is, but I found him entertaining. To be honest, though, the lure for me was the company: hanging out with Nancy, Alan and Lachele was more tempting than The Famous Author. Nancy had another friend with her, Kathy, whom I had not met previously, so meeting her was a bonus. I got caught by a monsoon on the way home and had to drive 40mph down the interstate, but as you can tell, I survived.

Pet peeve o’ the day: I truly loathe this one co-worker, and nearly everything it says grates on my nerves like the proverbial fingernails on the chalkboard. Today’s choice of Overused and Misused phrase was “mute point”. I must have heard “mute point” twenty times during today’s SAM (stupid-ass meeting). I wanted to get up on the conference room table and scream, “It is not a point which cannot speak! It is a point deprived of practical significance! MOOT! MOOT! No longer relevant! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!”

Lastly, I, unlike Sandy and Lachele, have no difficulty at all in answering the question, “Where are you from?” I say it loud, I say it proud: I’M FROM COWSHIT, GEORGIA!

(Really. That’s what I tell people - Cheryl will verify this.)



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