The Hellhole

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Something has died in our bedroom.

It's okay to keep reading; this is NOT a post about my and Alan's sex life. Something has literally died in our bedroom.

There's a dead mouse behind a baseboard, a dead squirrel in the attic or a dead something in the crawl space underneath the house. I don't know which it is, but in any event our bedroom be smellin' FUN. KEE.

I don't want to seem petty or vindictive but I certainly hope what's dead is that bastard squirrel that got into my attic, chewed through security system wires not once but twice and cost me muchly in Rely-Co Response System repairs. That would make the stench worth it, if I were certain it was his sorry carcass up there rotting. I can't be sure, though, because I'm certainly not going up into the attic to look for rotting squirrel, or into the crawl space to look for rotting something-else. There, there be spyders. And granddaddy longlegses, Nancy. I'll just have to wait it out, so if you come over, please remember that the nasty dead carcass smell isn't typical and isn't my fault for being lax about the housekeeping. Which I kinda am, but The Sainted Miss Betty isn't and the whole place was Cloroxed only four days ago.

I'm blogging on the laptop in the den, whilst listening to XM Radio on Direct TV. Alan prefers "Fred", the classic alternative station. I was listening to "Mix", which is supposedly "Modern Hits from the 90s and now" and enjoying it muchly until they played Dido and I had to leave. Eeek! I tried a couple and then settled on "Ethel", "new modern rock superstars mixed with 90s flashbacks" which was okay until they Depeche Moded me. I just went back to make sure I had the description of Mix correct and they were playing Sheryl Crow - double eeek! Won't go THERE again. All the XM stations are great for a while, and then they play something so awful I am scarred for life. I can't remember which one Nancy & Leigh-Ann had on in their car - Lucy, maybe? Girls? Sandy recommended Squizz, and by "recommended" I mean "referred to it as the station her husband tortured her with when advising me never to marry anyone 7 years younger", but so far that one's working for me. Oops, wrote too soon - Hinder, "Lips of An Angel"....aaaaaagh! I blame that one on 80's hair bands who paved the way with the 'metal ballad'. On to XMU, indie pop. Further recommendations, anyone?


  • Nancy's just run off to the doctor, so I shall answer. In our car we were listening to "Lucy", but now we also listen to "Fred" because of your recommendation. "Lucy" is like "Fred", but seems to mix decades. I've heard songs from 1985 on there and songs from 2005. Our other favourite is BPM (XM 81, I think), which is the dance/techno station. It's all the fun of a club without the cigarette smoke and drunk people.

    As for the smell, about twenty years ago I was working in a radio station and there was a horrible smell in the production booth. The whole station had a faux floor which was filled with cables and cords, and we assumed that a mouse had crawled in there and died. We looked as much as we could, but couldn't find anything. About a week into the stench I discovered the real culprit -- a spoiled styrofoam cup of instant hot chocolate, which had been left sitting on a shelf. Who knew Swiss Miss could stink so much?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:56 AM  

  • Hey Helly, (Lachele's friend Lisa here!) I love my XM too...when I just need some basic tunes in the background - XM Cafe is good, and The Blend works well. If you don't want to be tempted to sing along to anything - you can try their Watercolors station - here is what they say about it: "If you want contemporary jazz that's cool and understated, Watercolors delivers. It's pure musical sophistication. The best instrumentals, classic and new, blended with just the right vocals to enhance your listening pleasure. Our music promises to seduce, to engage, to relax and sometimes... to groove you."

    Looking forward to meeting you at the wedding in May! :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:14 PM  

  • Thanks, Leigh-Ann - I thought it was 'Lucy' but wasn't sure. We're trying to Yankee-Candle the stench out of the it smells like dead carcass adorned with roses and fresh rain. Heh.

    Lisa! What a coincidence! I'm in XM Cafe right now! Until and unless they do something vile. Glad you're coming; this wedding is gonna be bigger than I thought as so far, we've had only ONE 'sorry but no' and they're gonna be in Hawaii, so brilliant excuse.

    By Blogger Helly, at 3:51 PM  

  • Here are two more, "Sorry, but no's (what does one do when an apostrophe looks dumb when a word is made plural?) - we'll be in Vegas. If that isn't a good excuse, I don't know what is.

    I like Dido and Depeche Mode, and certain Sheryl Crow songs, so maybe I shouldn't give you any XM station tips.

    Right now I'm listening to the new Pink cd, so no radio stations for the past couple of days of limited driving.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:52 PM  

  • Vinyl.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:49 PM  

  • Flippy: I kinda expected you and Leigh-Ann wouldn't be able to go, because of your back and surgery and all. Too bad, lots of people like Nancy would have loved to meet you. But we'll catch up with you again soon, I'm sure.

    Lachele: read and understood!

    By Blogger Helly, at 9:49 AM  

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